Harold and Maude

Does Driving Lessons remind anybody of the movie Harold & Maude from 1971. This is also about a strange, lost young man transformed by his relationship with an older quirky woman.

If you liked Driving Lessons you should rent Harold & Maude

Harold & Maude have sex though : )


That exact thought certainly did cross my mind.


haha...it reminded me a lot of harold an maude. they are really similar.

"Squirrel butts don't glow"- Jeliza-Rose, "Tideland"


that's the first thing i thought! haha


same here. it was the first thing i thought when i rented it. " hey this reminds me of Harold and Maude"


same here. it was the first thing i thought when i rented it. " hey this reminds me of Harold and Maude"


Very "Harold and Maude," it's the reason I saw it in the theatres ;)
Though I'm kind of glad the relationship didn't go as far as H&M; it would have been hard to distance the two actors since they work as family in HP haha.


Yeah, I definitely thought of the similarity while watching this movie (aside from the sexual aspect).


Does anyone know if it was intentionally made to be like Harold and Maude?? It seemed to me there were way too many similarities for it not to be. For example, Evie says she has a week to live, (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) Maude tells Harold "it'll all be over in a week".. And the fact that Ben doesn't just learn from her, she becomes his 'best friend'.

I mean, it's not like it's just another movie with a similar plot, it's like they specifically tried to make a modernized version of Harold and Maude.


Yeah, I was watching it with my mom, and a little after the beginning she said it reminded her of Harold and Maude. And I had heard before I saw it that Rupert has a sex scene in it, so I started hoping to God that they didn't have sex! I mean, his own mother ;)


I've never seen Harold and Maude, but if I missed one thing in Driving Lessons, then it was that Ben and Evie didn't kiss each other.
