MovieChat Forums > Deal (2008) Discussion > The conclusion seems so familiar

The conclusion seems so familiar

oh yes it was in "lucky you", when the son mucks the aces to his father's pocket kings; however, in this movie instead of two pair, he mucks a Aces full of fours to his mentor's two pair. Very original.


Thank you. I was hoping I wasn't alone in thinking that. The only difference is "Drew Barrymore" is a hooker in this one.

If it wasn't for Burt Reynold's mustache, I'd almost say it was a toss up which movie was a slightly better flick.

Ah, who am I kidding? They both sucked pretty hard.


There was also a movie called "All In" where it's a guy playing in the finals against his daughter, and he mucks a winning hand on purpose.


i would order them this way

1. lucky you
2. deal
3. all in

i actually think "lucky you" is a pretty good movie. and i like "deal" cause brett harrison from "reaper" is in it and im a big "reaper" fan. only good thing about "all in" is michael madsen. none of them can hold a candle to "rounders"...

were creatures of the underworld, satine. we cant afford to love.

harold zidler
moulin rouge
