Student Conversation at the conclusion

I'm a little dissappointed by the next generation in general... so I was surprised by these kids, who are so articulate and thoughtful, at the end of the last episode. I can imagine how proud a parent must feel when they see their child has become a thoughtful, and sometimes wise young adult.


It's popular to think the world is degrading, going to hell in a hand basket, and that the generations are getting dumber and less sophisticated...

That's all cynical pessimistic crap, IMO.

Yes, certain aspects of the world are getting more depressing. Our culture, in large part, still has a long way to go.
But there is great potential in young people these days, just as there has always been. Accumulative knowledge hasn't stopped progress. In fact, it's exploded, thanks to the internet (a lot of misinformation, but a lot of good information too).

I wish people would stop being cynical about modern times and the future. It's as bright as we make it.

Stupid signature that everybody will think is part of my post.


I'm a cynical *beep* because I hate THE WAY progress is made. I know we're getting better (I follow Hans Rosling too), but with all the religion and politics and conservatism and capitalism... It really makes you want to want to go into orbit with your playstation and a life time supply of cheese doodles. The problem is also often on the individual level. Most people are terrible company.
