what makes this topic so fascinating?. Pure evil that's unimaginable

These Nazi bastards were pure evil. This documentary is excellent and furiating at the same time. How can the men in this documentary that were SS soldiers live with themselves. May the German people always be reminded of the horrors that their parents and ancestors committed on these innocent human beings. The ways in which they thought up ways to kill people massively is just absolutely monstrous.
I often think to myself why these documentaries and the Nazi ideals are so interesting to me , and many people. I think it is just how unbelievably brutal a group of people can be towards another. It is so far ingrained in our minds of how not to be so brutal and barbaric to our fellow man that it is just beyond reason. In this sense it is fascinating in such a dark and twisted way. You want to stop looking , but the unreal Truth and fact that what seems to be something only thought up by horror writers or the sickest minds on earth actually happened. I am no psychologist, but it has to be something in the normal person that fascinated us with this stain on history.
Do German people , and really mostly those of offspring of Nazi families and soldiers, feel straight embarrassed and horrible for what their not so distant ancestors have done to millions of people ??



This series didn't make it out to be as horrible as it actually was. But I guess there's no way to add the smell and stench to it. Maybe one day technology will be able to do this.

