If you believe the we got there, please explain this

First of all, I have not made up my mind one way or the other. I do not know if we got there or not, I just enjoy hearing arguments from both sides. This video is pretty self explanatory but it appears to show Astronauts faking a distant shot of earth using camera tricks. Maybe it's already on this board somewhere, but I didn't find it. Why would there be any need for this if they were actually going to the moon?



Yeah. Have fun with that. That video has been around for a long time and all of the claims they make have been debunked a thousand times over. The simplest thing to debunk is that they're not practicing "camera tricks" to fake anything. They're doing this CRAZY thing that people tend to want when you're going to broadcasting on national TV: REHEARSING.

A contributor to this board has a great site that spells all of this stuff out in great detail: www.clavius.org


I'll check out the website. Rehearsing doesn't explain backing the camera up, killing the lights, and putting cloth over the window to make Earth appear to be further away than it really is. I'll look more into it, just found it interesting and couldn't think of a logical explanation for all that nonsense.


Have you ever shot video (or film)? It's quite necessary to test out focal and lighting elements. They were preparing for a broadcast and needed to be sure they knew what lights should be on or off to get the best picture back to Earth. I can't quite see how that seems odd. Besides, the assertion that they were trying to frame the surface from low Earth orbit thru a round window to make it look further away has been thoroughly debunked. In fact, try it yourself. Hold a circle in front of you and look at your wall thru it. Does it look like a little tiny section of wall hovering in front of you? Or does it look like you're just seeing a small section of a larger surface?

If you're truly searching for the "truth" in this matter, you should find it pretty quickly if you start looking at the right evidence. All of the HB's (hoax believers) "proof" is nothing more than hand waving and loose assertions that try to cast doubt without a shred of evidence.


Another study torpedoed these claims by checking back on the weather for the day in question and showing that the Earth pictures were a good match for the met office cloud maps.


For more info on matching Apollo photos with satellite weather images, please check this developing thread.

