Hawk or Dove, it doesn't matter

If matters little if you are a hawk in support of taking war action against terrorism after 9/11 or a dove who believes war only begets more war the results and outcomes of the Bush administration failed policies are the same -- MISERABLE. Under Rumsfeld, this war has been so poorly executed and straegies conceived that if you are a hawk you ought be be embarassed and require or insist on better execution and more effective results than our current government has provided.

Just as Bush and FEMA director Brown (remember "You're doing a heck of a job Brownie") completley botched the response to Hurrican Katrina and its aftermath with the failing levees (its before-math with defunding the reinforcement of the levees in New Orleans) their incompetience exceeds any arguement for or against the war. Even if you are forced to accept war as an inevible condition of conflicting societys, values and cultures, you have to insist that war be humane, that it execution be done with greatest efficiency, a well planned exit strategy is being pursued, and that the troops with their health problems, injuries and re-entry into American life be given respect, honor, and proper care. That is what this film is about -- not your knuckleheaded over-zealous political philosohpy of world conquer and imposing our imperial values on other countries.

The problem with the Bush administration is clear and it is not hawk vs. dove, conservative vs. liberal or any other simple-minded bully-bashing you might find on talk radio. The problem is incompetitence and corruption and a failed execution of responsibility for the lives of the people Bush is wasting.

Fims like this one present the issue of how troops are treated when they get home and that does not fall easily into your political bashing and conservative vs. liberal ranting and raving. The people out there on the internet who put every issue into these terms are blissfully ignroant and do not wish to hear the truth.


Sounds like your one of them Liberal surrender monkeys and it is a a war on Islamic Fascists. And if I was a Liberal like you I wouldn't want to be labeled either cause you'll loose every time.


nice argument there doc. I'll assume you meant lose, not "loose". As for your comment about liberal surrender monkeys, its obvious you've got the hard headed "we love war" stance. Do us a favor and enlist if you are so eager to support this war machine. For most everyone its not about surrender, its about justice. Should we be in Iraq? No. Did Iraq have WMD? No. Did Iraq attack us? No. Did Iraq have connections with Al-Qaeda? No, but they certainly do now. Nothing like an invading nation to bring together the militants.

This is Vietnam all over again and there will be no winners. The only decision to be made is who is willing to lose more lives. I guarantee you it will be the people of Iraq. They won't be going anywhere and the American public is quickly tiring of this unjust war.

The best way to support our troops is to call for their return NOW. Who in their right mind would consider support asking the soldiers to stay in Iraq and continue to die.

Support our brave soldiers by requesting their safe return.


HA they did violate the No fly zone so that should be all the legalize we should need for vermin like you. And our troops don't want to come home till the job is done so we should abide by their wishes.


I don't really undestand what you are trying to say about the no fly zone because your sentence doesn't make sense. As for the troops wishing to stay until the job is done, what job is that? The complete rebuilding of iraq in the US' image? What's the mission? There is none, its an occupation with no resolution. Didn't you learn anything from vietnam? Also, while there are troops who wish to stay I guarantee you there are many who want to come home. Maybe you should watch this documentary that way you can actually start to understand what is happening to our soldiers in Iraq and how they want it to end.


THe No fly zone was implemented to protect the kurds from saddam. But With Saddam shooting at Brittish and American Jets He violated the agreement. But with a spineless president at the time slick willy he did nothing. But I guess you didn't here that the "insurgents" are starting to have trouble finding recruits. So now when the tide is about to run you want to cut and run.


You should go to war with your teachers. Why the hell can't you even form a sentence? You personify everything that's embarrassing about this country.


AMEN, billyok.

Listen, to say doctorfurby has the mental capacity and ability to speak and write of a 3rd grader would be an insult to a 3rd grader. And, unfortuately for our troops and country the President of the United States has obtained about the same level of intelligence and competitence as doctorfurby... Is that you George? Are you taking a break from your computer games, Dubyah, to flame these boards with your nasty mindless remarks?


Ad hominem attacks are all you and the left have left which isn't all that surprising since your foreign policy and economic policies aren't any better.


"Ad hominem attacks" This is hilarious coming from a right-wing bashmouthed bigot whose sole purpose in life is to run around calling people he has never met, or knows nothing about, commies and lefties and liberals. You are constantly using language for the purpose only to incite and provoke prejudice and silence rational argument and discussion. I fail to see much difference between a Islamic terriorist with a car-bomb and a right wing extremist who wants to bomb them back to the stone age. That is two different sides of the same very violent extremist coin.

So this is a really special irony -- who taught you to use a Latin expression like "ad hominem"? Latin is a foreign influence and could well be a communist conspiracy to undermine the purposefully blinded thoughts and culture of impassioned and hateful people like yourself doctorfurby.


I know that in time of war (and this is World War III) you support the commander-in-chief. You left-wingers are the same bunch that went to Canada during Vietnam and the ones that lined up with Joseph Kennedy in World War II saying that we had no business being in that war either.


Way to go off topic.......have you even seen the movie yet? LMAO...thought not. WWIII? wtf? I won't support a dumbass like Bush for ANYTHING after his dismal failure as a leader. Yes and the ones who went to Canada lived a full happy life unlike the poor slobs who died in Vietnam for NOTHING. Most stayed home and protested the stupid war and those are the real patriots with the balls to stand up to so called leaders and tell them when they are wrong instead of being sheep to go die in useless wars........WWII was a different matter with a raving lunatic in Germany and another one in Japan. I just get the impression you don't like liberals at all and use this forum to vent. Next time keep your opinions to the movie topic and not your ranting political topics and so will I.


I'm still waiting for the apologies the liberals owe the South Vietnamies who were forced into re-education camps after the Vietnam war and the death camps in Cambodia. And I'm a hatemonger for calling all you marxists what you are a real threat to this country. Just go to a liberal congresmens website like John Conyers and you'll see how dangerous the demoncrats are.


These comments from Herl and doctorfurby make it clear the fanatical right-wing WANT to bring on WWIII. That is exactly what your ideological extremism requires to keep the country inexorably engaged in pointless wars with ill-defined missions. It is pure and simply FEAR, basing our country and its policies on the overriding negative emotion of fear.

Fear is exactly the opposite of courage. You look at these politicians like Bush & Cheney and Company, they are fear-mongers because they do not possess one ounce of courage. The evaded their duty to serve when it was their chance and now they go around the world banging the drum trying to start world war three.

These men are dumbasses (just like the movie) and they cannot even succeed at what they set out to do. Again, it doesn't matter if you are a hawk or dove, these leaders of the country and incompetitent fools. Anyone: A Liberal, A Moderate or A Conservative would be better as long as they possessed the intelligence and competitence to carry out a simple mission. And they are NOT conservatives anyway, they are corrupt extremists in bed with everybody from the energy lobby to Enron to Jack Abramoff to Mark Foley.


The Islamo fascists started this war on 9/11.And getting rid of Bin Ladden or how ever you spell this retards name wont end it either. Were going to have to root out this cancer once and for all where ever we find it.


Guess we started operating in the wrong section, eh?


It's obvious that doctorfurby entirely missed the point of screenlab's post. I guess when you approach a topic like this with the narrow vision of a True Believer, the ability to comprehend what you read is lost.

What is amazing to me is how the True Believers can continue to defend Bush and Rumsfailed and the way this war is being fought in spite of the evidence that it is not being fought effectively. All the True Believers can do is spout sound bites like "stay the course" and "cut and run".

They talk about "supporting the troops" and then ignore what the returning military leaders and veterans say about how the war is being fought. So they say one thing, but in fact do NOT support the troops - they only support an administration that has no idea how to fight this war, and one that has consistently ignored what it's military leaders tell them.

As screenlab said, whether you believe we should be in Iraq or not, it is obvious that the current course we are following in Iraq is not the correct one, and will not lead to the outcome we want.

And beyond all that, doctorfurby's "analysis" (I use that term lightly) about what is happening in Iraq, and how the service members feel about it, is completely innacurate. But that is to be expected from a True Believer.

I would wager that doctorfurby has not and will not see "The Ground Truth", too. Ignorance is bliss, eh furby?


Ahhhh but the reenlistment is pretty high proove me wrong libs.


Stoshie, I am beginning to beleive that doctorfurby is, maybe, a 8 or 10 year old kid who has been indoctrinated or heavily influenced by parents or peers to spout illiterate babble and parrot hateful slogans.

If not, perhaps doctorfurby is an emotionally disturbed adolescent adult who cannot articulate a sentance, spell, or read.

Certainly, this person is not in possession a conscience, nor able to seriously gage the damage and life destroying imposition we are placing on our troops in battle in Iraq. It is very sad because the sacrifice we ask of our young men and women in uniform is a very, very solemn and serious matter and when people are so callouse and uncaring, it completely dishonors them and their service to our nation. That is the primary insult of their hateful words.

Secondarily, the additional insult and disrespect to our young soldiers is not understanding that sending troops into war without a battle plan, with poor tools and equipment (many soldiers had to find their own bullet proof body protection and apply their own amour to vehicles), and no exit plan is suicidal homocide and every civilian from Rumsfeld to Bush have blood all over their hands for managing this war with complete incompetitence.

Even if you believe was is an evil necessity, you must take a moral responsibility for the fruitless misdirection of this war in Iraq. And you must acknowledge and take responsibility for the care of our soldiers when they return home broken and crippled from the service we asked them to perform.


Ahhh you can make fun of me all you want but over in Germany the number one issue is Muslim terrorism and that's with out much of a right wing media. Maybe it's the one year anniversary of the Intifada over in France. And that's not from me that's from the French interior Minister that's getting alot of Germans worried about Muslim Fascists and that's what they are Fascists.


I think Rob knows what he is talking about. Courage is unafraid of death. Why fight if you have no fear of death? War is likely a product of fear.


John Conyers served as an officer in the Korean War and was awarded combat and merit citations. I think that I'd rather have a liberal Democrat conducting our wars than a President who went AWOL and a Vice President who avoided military service 5 times. They have shown that they obviously know nothing about war.


Based on the trailer alone - I am gonna put this on my "must see" list when it (hopefully) gets a release here in Australia.

I am totally against the Iraq War - BUT - am totally supportive of the brave men and women who are there - and every other war zone.

Given the recent US mid-term election results, I don't think i am the only one. Here's hoping the war ends soon and peace comes the way for the troops and of course the innocent civilians in Iraq.

2006 is certainly a great year for documetaries - i have learnt so much and aim to see and learn much more! If you don't learn, you don't move forward - IMO.


Just read the thread and sometimes I am totally befuddled by human responses and how they can differ on subjects its truly an amazing phenomonon. With that said , I wanted to make a comment and an observation
I am a Vietnam era vet having never seen "the enemy" , I was on a carrier named Uss Forrestal when I was 18 yrs old. We arrived on line in the Gulf of Tonkin to assist in gunfire and air support The 2 miles to land was our only glimpse of the enemy. We caught fire after 5 days on July 29th 1967. 134 of my shipmates perished in a horrible manner, fire explosions, compartment implosions. I can see the horrific positions a human body cringes into while on fire and the eyes with the lids burned off give a stare you will see forever and the mouths locked in a scream haunt me last night tonight and always.
My daughter returned home Oct 17th 2006 from Iraq after a year in a medical support.C company 205th medical battallion ,working in at LSA Camp Anaconda hospital admin... along with the usual tower guard assignments.
I bought this dvd Ground Truth and watched it several times the day it arrived . I had to stop it, to walk and get some composure because of one overpowering image. Its the eyes of those soldiers in the movie are my daughters eyes now. She is 23yrs old I can not ever take away the images she has seen in that hospital and like my father before me at Anzio WWII there is a dirty dirty job out there and however you got there is irrelevant. What counts is someone is there to do that dirty job. Getting PTSD I am sure is a bi product of this terrible job again, someone has to do it. I see clearly the intent of the movie is to make sure that we listen, care for, and fix the returning vets. We cannot undo country conflicts on a message board anymore than we can argue who is right in their War or Peace opinions All I am hoping is that you done't stop at this message board in your efforts and go write more ...but to your congressman and ask How long does it take for PTSD treatment and diagnosis . you will then be putting your words where it does some good



Yep. Same old, same old. You sound like just another parrot of the anti-Bush, anti-America, anti-Rumsfeld, anti-Brown, anti-FEMA, anti-everything crowd. In other words, a parrot of the mainstream media and its constant liberal drumbeat. It's so sad.


not even close

pro Bush all the way
proud Vet all the way
Served and fought not behind your silk curtain chat room like yourself


Some of the people posting on this site said things that I just could not let pass, so I include my comments on them. I try to be as unemotional as possible (hopefully I made no ad hominem attacks) and to just stick to substance and arguments. Any reactions are welcome.


“And our troops don't want to come home till the job is done so we should abide by their wishes.”

I agree with what another writer said that you are assuming (I believe incorrectly) all the soldiers there wish to stay there. Nonetheless, the last I heard we live in a democracy, which means that basic policy choices are made by the electorate, not by the military and not by the soldiers. Since when does what the soldiers think determine our policy choices. I realized that they have sacrificed a lot in this effort, but they accepted that risk when they chose this career and that does not translate into the right to choose for the country. Bear in mind, our entire nation is accountable for actions taken by our military, so they are acting on our behalf and we bear the responsibility for their actions (financially, politically and morally). Therefore, whatever be their personal wishes as to whether we should “finish the job” is simply irrelevant. PERIOD! This sort of argument ranks up there with the incredibly lame one often trotted out by Bush that those who have made the ultimate sacrifice shall not have died in vain. Leaving aside who is responsible for them having made that sacrifice and the determination as to whether or not it will have been in vain (only time will tell, but it in no way depends upon whether we have the stomach to fight on, and it does not look good at this point). Following this logic, we are duty bound to stay in a senseless, lost, immoral war and sacrifice more and more, just so the first dead will “not have died in vain”. Poor logic, worse morals, and just rhetoric to make us feeling guilty that we are betraying the troops, whereas the actual point behind it is to get people to stop thinking and continue supporting the war regardless of anything else.

“But I guess you didn't here that the ‘insurgents’ are starting to have trouble finding recruits. So now when the tide is about to run you want to cut and run.”

“Ahhhh but the reenlistment is pretty high proove me wrong libs.”

Yes, we have been hearing that since the very beginning (“we’re turning a corner”, “in its last throes”, etc.). Unfortunately, it has not as yet proved true. Your “tide is about to run” [I guess you meant to write “turn”] is kind of original, but it doesn’t change the reality, which is that they are all empty phrases and meaningless rhetoric – just like “cut and run”. The little puppet master who runs the Republican propaganda machine says some simplistic phrase (“cut and run”, “flip flop”, “tax and spend”) and mindless parrots repeat it ad nauseam, regardless of whether it means anything. Where on earth did you get this information about them not being able to find recruits? Events on the ground (you know, in the realm of REALITY - what a concept) clearly indicate otherwise. Are you perhaps confused and mixing it up with the U.S. Military’s difficulty getting new recruits?

As for your comment about re-enlistment being very high, I think you are simply delusional. What you are probably thinking of is the fact that the Bush administration is not allowing people in the military to leave once their mandatory period in the military is up. It’s re-enlistment in a certain sense, but not voluntary. The percentage of soldiers who can get out and choose to leave is alarmingly high.

“I'm still waiting for the apologies the liberals owe the South Vietnamies who were forced into re-education camps after the Vietnam war and the death camps in Cambodia.”

Well, you can keep waiting. Why are you waiting for it? I would expect the Vietnamese to be waiting, if anyone. You don’t mention anything about the apologies for all the people killed in the war (I believe over 1 million Vietnamese). In any case, why do we owe them apologies for something we did not do? What makes the U.S. automatically responsible for all the atrocities in the world that we did not intervene to prevent? Should Bush be apologizing for Darfur; Clinton for Rwanda? Etc. Are we responsible for all the persons who died under Communist regimes anywhere in the world during the 20th Century because we did not topple the Soviet Union in the 1940’s. We could go on and on. But I think you ought to defend your assertion that we are responsible for such things.

“you are a real threat to this country . . . you'll see how dangerous the demoncrats are”

How so? This is nothing more than bare assertion without anything to back it up. What makes us a threat to the country and dangerous? The fact that we feel entitled to have our own opinion? That we refuse to accept whatever policy decisions made by a president simply because he is a president. Excuse me, but we do not live in a dictatorship and we will continue to express our views and demand that the will of the people be heard and heeded. This country does not belong to, nor is it obliged to follow the vision of, a narrow, rabid, war-mongering bunch of fanatics whose view of the world and sole moral imperative seems to be that we must continue killing come what may. Who is the threat to the country/world?

“Were going to have to root out this cancer once and for all where ever we find it.”

Please elaborate. How exactly do you expect we’ll do that? Four years in and we cannot even manage to pacify one relatively small country, how are we supposed to take care of the rest of the Islamofascists? There are several other countries we would have to “take out”. Do you realize that there are about one billion muslims in the world. As another writer asked earlier, are you planning to take part in this fight and risk your life, or does your participation just consist in vilifying people that don’t agree with warmongering? Are you satisfied with the fact that we will be spending hundreds of billion more dollars on this? Do you wish to pay for this, or are you going to demand more tax cuts? Hasn’t it yet occurred to you that the more Islamofascists we kill the more we make. Especially due to the fact that the real loathsome ones hide among the civilian population for the obvious purpose of causing innocent civilian deaths and stirring up more hatred among the local people. Is this what you mean by rooting them out? Unfortunately, the local populations do not bow down before our soldiers, throw flowers at us and turn over the “bad guys”, so rooting them out is going to be a bloody enterprise. In fact, we are doing exactly what the Islamofascists wanted us to do, and that is the real tragedy of the post-9/11 policies of the Band of Idiots in the White House.


“You left-wingers are the same bunch that went to Canada during Vietnam.”

Well, and the people running your beloved war did not do that because, either through use of influence or other tricks (AWOL from the National Guard, “other priorities”), they managed to stay in the US AND still avoid going to Vietnam. If we are going to make willingness to go fight in Vietnam some sort of litmus test for loyalty and patriotism, or even the right to have a say in policy decisions, then we should be consistent about this. Why are you satisfied with such "draft dodgers" running the country and having their own wars where they send off other people's children to die?


“there is a dirty dirty job out there and however you got there is irrelevant. What counts is someone is there to do that dirty job. . . We cannot undo country conflicts on a message board anymore than we can argue who is right in their War or Peace opinions All I am hoping is that you done't stop at this message board in your efforts and go write more ...but to your congressman and ask How long does it take for PTSD treatment and diagnosis”

I very much appreciate your perspective on the matter, which seems to be that, rather than chatter like magpies on a blog, we should concern ourselves with ensuring the veterans get the care that is due them. But, I am unclear how it is that you are pro-Bush because in this respect his has a horrible record. That is what I suppose the film concerns (though I have not seen it).
As regards the “dirty job” that someone has to do and we can’t undo conflicts, I have to disagree. Whether or not there is a dirty job that someone has to do depends on the particular circumstances. Unfortunately, in the case of Iraq I don’t think we “had to do it”. In any case, you seem to fall into the attitude of quiescence, that there is an endless task of war and somebody has to do it. Wars are also the result of purposeful actions be leaders; they don’t all just start as if by unexplained causes. Unfortunately, I think this is just the attitude many extremist politicians wish to foster because it gives them immense power. If we take this attitude generally, it gives them the ability/power to treat the US military (and the wealth of the nation behind) as their own little tool/toy to effect whatever purposes they may have. I am sorry if I sound highly skeptical and distrustful of many politicians, but read your history if you think I am wrong.


Hi there,
For the record the United States slaughtered 5 million Indochinese including 3.8 million Vietnamese between 1961 and 1975.
That lunatic with his standard insane line about the Vietnamese is part of a cult that even likes to blame the Vietnamese for the Pol Pot genocide in Cambodia. When in fact it was the Vietnamese army who went into Cambodia and put an end to the Khmer Rouge killing. At which point the US government condemned Vietnam for its actions, and flipped sides providing Pol Pot with protection.
As for no fly-zones over Iraq during the 90's this is the great imperial audacity the US and UK considered Iraqi planes flying over their own country as an act of aggression against us. During the Clinton years the US bombed Iraq at least once every three days for the entire 8 years of the Clinton presidency that is on top of the genocidal economic sanctions that killed 1 million Iraqis including 480,000 infants. The sadism of Clinton toward Iraq was endless. Iraq has been interferred with by the US and UK for over 80 years. The Baathist regime which was an American client until the 1991 Gulf War was put into power via a CIA coup under the Kennedy administration. The nation was renamed Iraq back in 1920 by the British empire. Winston Churchill was made the colonial governer of Iraq. Churchill wanted to kill all the Kurds with poison gas but RAF engineers told him their technology was not yet up to the job.
