Interesting user ratings

Check the user ratings. Females in all age groups voted this film a 9 or above. Males over 45 were the only ones to give it a 1. It's definitely time for a female president.


Because females think that wars a little party for the guys its not and I dont need a movie made by those crack heads in hollywood to tell me that.

ps. a female president would start a war every month PMS lol.


lol, pms

but seriously? i don't care if the next president is a male or female, as long as they are better than Bush


Well, this movie wasn't made by anyone in Hollywood, and the message isn't remotely what you fantasize it is.

It is clear that you are judging something you haven't seen.

I see your brainwashing is complete. You are now a True Believer, and can ignore any annoying facts that don't fit your narrow world view.


dude, think a little bit before you speak.


Didn't we have one with Hillary? No No her "husband" was the first black President.


Wow. You guys are brilliant.

