I love this show!

I have never been to Europe before and this show is giving me some really great ideas for when I finally get to go. I especially love that Samantha always seeks out the great cheeses because I am also an avid cheese lover. I loved the episode about Prague. I never really knew anything about it before, and now I really want to go! It's so beautiful, the people seem nice, the food looks good, and it's inexpensive! Awesome. The London ones were also exciting. Samantha Brown is a great person to send to Europe. She's funny and nice and she's a great representative for America.


I couldn't have put it better myself!


Yeah, this is the best Travel Channel show ever.


Haha. I'm watching the Prague one right now.
And yeah, Samantha Brown is great. I like her alot. ^^

"I'm insane. What's HIS excuse?"-Spike
I think Leigh is hungry...


I completely agree. She's a wonderful host for the show.

Seething Shadows...Breathing Lies.


I love this show, its the best travel show ever. ve been to many of the locations in Europe, but she manages to find other things to see. she is very creative and happy go lucky.


yea I love it too!!!!!!!! I try to watch it everytime it's on. I love the Italy and Paris ones.


I totally agree! Samantha is a great host :-)

