I was at this Event!

It was the only PPV I went to and the only show where I didn't bring a camera along, but that didn't matter to me, I was happy going there and getting to see a PPV live and in person for the first time. It was also the last show I've ended up going and seeing.

I was in the 8th Grade at the time and went with my friend, his cousin (our ride), and my sister.

It was a good show and I was happy that I went and saw it. We were on the camera side of the audience high up sort of close to the nosebleeds. I ended up missing most of the JBL/John Cena 'I Quit' Match because while it was going on I was looking around the arena for an Undertaker T-Shirt I saw earlier, as I wanted to buy a wrestlers shirt, along with the PPV one I bought. After missing a lot of the match and not finding the shirt at any of the merchandise counters I went to I settled on another Undertaker one that I liked. I came back in enough time to catch John Cena fighting JBL on the entrance way.

It was a good solid show. The main event that I missed was match of the night. That was also the last time we got to see Eddie Guerrero in person before his death later that year (R.I.P.) I'd give this a 6.5 - 7/10

All around it was an enjoyable show and a fun experience.

~Hey Arnold!~
