pawnshop bathroom easter egg

Supposedly there is an easter egg in the bathroom of the pawnshop. One is supposed to: 1. turn off the lights. 2. turn on the sink. 3. flush the toilet three times (it will only make sound once) 4. turn off the sink 5. turn on the lights. This is supposed to activate a bizzare easter egg involving a Kool-Aid Man like character called "Captain Carafe". However, nothing seems to happen when I do this. Has anybody successfully done this? Am I missing a step?


Nobody ever answered me, but I finally found out. After following the procedure I described before, you have to go into the pawnshop again. By the television near the door there is a new item that wasn't in the shop before. It is a giant sized swizzle stick complete with cocktail olives. The step I was missing is this: you must destroy the swizzle stick. Then after you encounter the Muslim and fight slayers by the pit, when you go into the room where before a slayer would burst through the wall...that's where the "Captain Carafe" shows up instead. He's thinner than Kool-Aid Man, but of the same species, and apparently a pirate. I say this because of the eyepatch, peg-leg, and hook. He has one of those "bobbing drinking birds" perched on him instead of a parrot. He attacks and when you kill him you can pick up his weapon, another swizzle stick! This is an all powerful melee weapon that rends enemies apart with one blow. Using it I got into the theatre without firing a shot. Better than the infamous "Gonzogun" because it never runs out of ammo and doesn't need to be aimed.


that is awesome thank you very muchthis guy is cool




Hahaha, just tried it! Thats was cool!



I need help beating the denial of the fittest level i read on a faq that
i was near the end of the level and i had to open a door on the left of a wall i did this but every time i walk through this door the game freezes and i have to restart. Could this be because i have cheats on? I have beaten most of the levels with cheats on and i advance to the next level no problem? Any ideas?
