Under rated film

Really surprised how great this film is, in fact loved it, but don't know many people in Australia who have seen it. It's a shame it is so underated


It depends on what you like.

I usually just don't like movie musicals. I like musicals on the stage, but the vast majority of musicals on film are completely lacking in the vitality of live theater. "Camelot" was one of the worst offenders. Loved it madly onstage, hated it on film. You could almost hear the director yelling out "Cut! Let's do Take 128 now!" 'Cause Take 127 wasn't, you know, perfect enough. All that shallow pseudo-perfectionism left me and a lot of other moviegoers with a feeling of, all the air has been sucked out of the room now.

I can count on two hands, with fingers left over, all the movie musicals I've ever seen that come close to the vitality of live theater. "Chicago" was the best I've ever seen. "Across the Universe" comes close.

...But if you're looking for nuanced character development or any of that dramedy stuff, don't watch this or any other movie musical. Watch a dramedy instead.

"I don't deduce, I observe."


I agree, neither I or any of my friends had heard of this until we accidentally downloaded it thinking it was 'a cross the universe' (documentary by the electro duo 'Justice').

But after the disappointment, we imdb'd it and as soon as we saw it included a beatles soundtrack we watched it straight away. we are all beatles fans, some way more than others, and we all loved it.

I think the beatles-extremists - as i like to call them - need to relax. they didn't butcher any of their songs, it wasn't supposed to be a representation of the band, but the impact their music had on people during the war and the revolution in the US.

Just my opinion.


I agree totally, I came across the movie when a friend from New York sent it to me and I had never heard of it. Was hooked from the opening, great soundtrack beautifully cast. Bravo!


Have to agree. I think this is just one of those films that you either get or you don't. I loved it.


Terribly underrated. It's the best musical movie I've seen in the past 5 years!

Bee me! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2368/2365676420_74482b0519.jpg


As far as filmed musicals go, I'd have to agree. There has been so much crap out there in the last 20 years it felt nice to just have something with melody.
But I think the musicals of the 70's beat this one.

"Atlas Shrugged" coming soon to a theater near you!


Nothin like it

