I think Jim should win....

just so he can be eaten alive by Martha Stewart first day on the job.
If he thinks for a second that his crap act will fly under Uber Woman he's high.
She will rip him a new one with one talon.

But he is definitely more fun to watch...psychos usually are...than that asian woman that got fired. She was alittle too normal for "good" tv.


I think that woman who won the hotel thing last week has it in the bag. I forgot her name but the project manager for Primarius last week. Bet she takes it and bet it's a showdown between her and maybe Howie.

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/loverâ„¢ since 1980.




I don't think Jim will win but I do think he will get far. The asian girl was not a good leader and did not put Jim in his place. Jim can be a bit loud but you should stand up to him and put him in his place when he said "the F word". If she did that then Jim would be the one fired not her.
