Victor is a great guy

Anyone else see the episode where there is a dispute between some hicks and some normal people, and Judge Alex rules against the hicks. Then in the after-ruling commentary, the hick woman says something like "If their dogs come near my property again, I'm gonna kill them."

After this instead of credits rolling or moving onto the next case as was expected, something shocking happened instead.

Victor comes right up behind them then says to the hick woman: "You need to come with me."

He makes her and her hick husband go back into the courtroom where Judge Alex comes back in after the ruling was made, and reprimands the hick woman, and lets the normal people know that if something happens to their dogs, they could take action against the hicks. It's a shame Judge Alex and Victor didn't have any more power to lock up the hicks or something like that; all he had the power to do was reprimand them. But at least they did what they could, and that was very honorable of them.

But back to Victor, that was very awesome of him to do that. A lot of times Victor seems like a wallflower, but by this incident we see that Victor pays attention to what is going on and sticks up for morality when necessary.

Victor is a great guy.

If you've read this post and agree, please share your thoughts on this matter in this thread. :)


i love victor! i wish i wouldve seen the episode you are talking about. and.. i dont have much else to add to that. i saw a commercial for something with a wig and judge alex goes to victor 'you want to put it on?' lol that would be hilarious if he actually did...



That episode aired this week.

Judge Alex says to Victor, "You want to try it on?"

Then Victor smiles and answers, "If you do it...then I'll do it."

Then Judge Alex said something like: "Okay, that's not happening."

Then Victor said something like: "Thought so."

Really great exchange there. Very hilarious, and again you can tell from that that Victor is a really nice guy.



I like Victor alot too. You can tell he's a really nice guy and I love his and Judge Alex's relationship. It seems like they're friends outside of the courtroom. Usually I don't really notice them on the other shows..but I always wait for their exchange and what funny thing they're about to say.

I love the Internet.


"some hicks and some normal people"?

No bigotry here at all.
