Road Rage!!

Plaintiff: big, handsome, strapping younger, very well-spoken black (becomes relevant) guy, very composed - which had to have been difficult! (Commended for this.) Had experienced car trouble.

Defendant: Apoplectic bald pipsqueak with a red face, shrill voice and steam coming out of his ears from the jump. Extremely annoyed about having been inconvenienced by plaintiff's car trouble.

Judge Alex ends up telling the defendant, dead-serious, that if he'd been the cop responding to the incident involved, he'd have arrested him for attempted murder. (I LOVE it when he refers to his days packing heat!) "What planet are you from?!?!" he finally yells at the guy, after spending most of the case gaping at his ranting in (understandable) near-disbelief.

My favorite case. Ever. Anybody else see it? I yearn for its rerun!
