HELP!!! (Ending?)

I was not at home last night when this aired, so I had set my VCR to recoird it. However, due to a game running long, the primetime schedule went long 15 minutes. In other words I did not see the last 15 minutes. Can anyone PLEASE give me a detailed description of what happened as soon as the school board meeting began? Thank you so much.


Me, too! The same thing happened to me. That's exactly why I came to this website to see if I could find out the ending. Does anyone know?


In the board meeting, they decide to fire Conroy because he refuses to abide by their rules. However, Mrs. Brown does stick up for Conroy and states that he should stay. Unfortunately, Conroy is still fired. The people of the town have a petition to keep Conroy as a teacher, but he tells them to leave it alone. As he leaves the island on his boat, the kids run after him asking him questions about history and he answers them. That's pretty much what happens.




That happened to me too. Does anyone know if the movie will be rebraodcasted soon so I can see the ending?


Watch for it on the Hallmark Channel!!
