The Guy From Africa

That student from Africa that we see in the film is by far the most intelligent person in this whole film. He tells the U.S that freedom and Democracy is unknown in his counrty, and how trying to ban a person from speaking just because you don't hold to their values is something that belongs in a dark country like this fellows home, not the gratest democracy in the world. Americans, perhaps the entire free world takes it's freedoms for granted. If we lived in a place that has no freedoms, where people are forbidden to speak we would understand a little better. Let's hope we never have to find out.


He was from Togo I believe. A case of common sense speaking louder than passionate subjectivity.


Yeah he was so right. That's what it's all about. Have are also realing with the muhammad cartoons and yes the are the way of freedom to speak. There up and down side but we do have freedom of speech.


Indeed. He was the courteous one. He didn`t shout, didn`t make fun of anyone, wasn`t rude. The only one there with good manners.


First of all, America is not the greatest democracy in the world. So far there is no such thing yet, and by even claiming that you hold such a torch of human evolution is ludicrous.

Secondly, you ARE living in a country imposing fascist dictatorship rules on its citizens. Michael Moore was too powerful to stop, but they managed to smack a law suit into 2 civilians breaking their friendship due to stress from social pressure.
