The synopsis is wrong

It says something like: "..and supporters argue Moore's First Amendment freedom of speech rights"

Freedom does not come from any amendment. Freedom ALREADY exists, beyond, before, after and without any kind of papers, agreements between human beings, contracts, or written documents.

There is no such thing as "Amendment freedom" - freedom does not come from amendment. Amendments, Constitutions, Bills, and other such documents do not give humen beings rights or freedoms - they CAN'T, because they do not have the power or authority to do so!


Because those freedoms and rights are UNALIENABLE. What this means is that NO entity (except the Creator of the Universe) can TAKE AWAY our freedoms and/or rights, which also means that NO entity (except the Creator of the Universe) can GIVE us freedoms or rights.


The meaning of constitutions, bills, and other such documents is to _PROTECT_ the ALREADY EXISTING rights and freedoms in practice, because the writers of them very well knew that the corporations, governments and other fictional, 'legal system' entities would do EVERYTHING in their power to oppress, dominate, enslave and indoctrinate the people, if they ever get a chance.

That's why those documents are like pre-emptive, preventing services, designed to _LIMIT_THE_POWERS_OF_CORPORATIONS/GOVERNMENTS_, and NOT papers that could or would give any human being any rights. Only protection of those rights (and freedoms, of course).

Please correct the misleading, horrible mistake in the synopsis.

And please, everyone - ponder, think and really process the question; "WHERE DOES AUTHORITY AND POWER COME FROM?"

Where does it originate, who gets to have it and why, and who doesn't - who has authority over someone else, and why would they? Think. Research. Find out.

Just don't be too shocked when you find that the truth about these matters is something you were not prepared for, because it is indeed not taught in (GOVERNMENT) schools, it is not taught in TV, classes, or any mainstream media or corporation-owned website. But it is out there, because a few brave souls dared to bring it out for everyone to see..

Now it's up to you to go and find it, read it, internalize it, and then open your eyes and see what's going on all around you.

Corporations and governments are trying to CIRCUMVENT these documents that otherwise would become and obstacle to their greedy and evil plans. They can't lawfully hurt you - WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT.

Have you given your consent to them?

Are you sure?

Have you ever signed an APPLICATION, SUBMISSION or REGISTRATION? Do you think you are a "person"?

Did you know that "to apply" means "to beg"? And what exactly are you 'submitting'.. who is submitting to what? What does "regis" mean?

Think. Research. Find the truth.. I almost guarantee you will be pissed off.

But remember, it's your responsibility - no one forced with a gun to your head to sign any documents, and you did it anyway.

Because you were a teenager, wanting to get a 'driver's license' so you could have more 'freedom', so you didn't read the whole motor vehicle act etc. first, to see what exactly you are signing?

Because you wanted a 'privilege' or two, and thought that putting your signature to an 'official' document is harmless?

Think and process this through. I am sure you will also want to demand that the synopsis be changed to match the truth.
