Is this an LDS movie?

Or at least made my LDS folks?
nothing against that.
Just the overall tone and feel of the trailer reminded me of some mormon comedies I had seen, and the main actor is from Saints and Soliders, and then theres John Heder

Just curious

Not my kind of movie anyways, so id not go see it either way. I was just wondering.

" Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."


When I was an extra on set (atleast, a possible extra, they didn't choose me for a scene though) I asked one of the assistant directors if it was a "mormon" movie. He said no. However, there was several crew members on the set that had been the BYU film school. Which is where most of the crew members come from that make most of the "mormon" movies you're thinking of.


It's not a Mormon movie but was made by Mormons. And by different people who did not make such horrible classics as The R.M. or The Home Teachers.


The Director and at least one of the Executive Producers is LDS... other then that I don't know... well of course John Heder too...


Dude, there was drug use in the movie along with gambling. If it were a "Mormon" movie then they wouldn't even be drinking Coke.
