Mixed - Possible Spoilers

I was looking to pick up a second movie on the "rent one, get one free" night at Blockbuster, so I picked this one up seeing it had Jon Heder in it.

While I did not expect it to be the best movie in the world, I did not expect it to be this predictable.

"Nerd meets girl...nerd sticks to being nerd and can't obtain girl...girl starts to like nerd...nerd doesn't understand girl kinda likes him...nerd gets girl in the end."

Heder was good as an aloof...wait...never mind, he's been that way before in most of his other movies.

It wasn't the worst movie in the world, but if it weren't 2 for 1 night at the rental store I would've been really disappointed.

I didn't hate the movie but I didn't fall in love with it either.

It gets an "Ehhhh..." from me.


BTW anyone know what the hell happened to the little pig? It seemed to disappear about halfway through the movie with no explanation. Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention and didn't bother to go back and see why. Was it lost after the truck was stolen?


I have to agree with you. We rented this movie because "Napolean" was in it. It was so predictable. The acting wasn't all that hot either. Like you, I didn't hate it but I definitely don't have any plans of seeing it again. There were a few scenes when I laughed out loud. I don't know, it was predictable (nerd gets the girl) but at the same time it was sorta weird (the cage fight and the odd looking "lady"). I'm not sure what happened to the pig either. I'm not sure if they showed it again after they got the truck back.


the pig was at the end in the truck with the girl while she was sleeping.

..i think. lol, I can't remember and I watched it five minutes ago...


yes you are right, I just finished watching it (didn't really like it too much) and the pig was on Mila's lap in the truck. You can barely see it though.


You know, if the pig had been more involved in the movie--say, walking down the beach with Mila when Ben runs to her at the end, or swimming in the ocean at Port Arthur--it might've provided some much-needed comedic counterpoint. As it stands, the pig unfortunately was just a prop.
