My very honest opinion

This movie is overall lame. There's not much substance and it's completely unoriginal. But 2 things overlooked:

1) Mila Kunis- Come on this girl is freakin adorable, man. That carefree, nonjudgemental personality. That beautiful smile. Her roles haven't called for much "acting", but she plays them to perfection.

2) They screwed up by trying to make this a comedy. John Heder aside, you often have a hard time deciding on if they are being "artsy" or trying to be funny, such as his dream sequences.

The last 10 minutes of it when it stops trying to be a comedy, however, it becomes a decent movie. Start from where they drop Orlie off... When Mila is questioning Ben if they'll see each other again and he isn't returning any emotion and she begins to cry in the car.. That's a fairly touching scene, especially for a movie that if you have made it that far, you've given up on.

When he's taking his things out of the car and she's sleeping in the front seat, I found myself rooting for her to wake up and was kind of confused at how I could finally feel anything from this movie...

And at the end when he runs back to her is a great ending, helped A LOT by The Format's "Swans", a perfect choice. I think saying "I love you" was a little much at the very end, it could've been more subtle as they didnt have much time and/or experience to grow together, but it's plausible. And they didnt dwell at the end, they cut it short and got right to the point.

Comedy was a big mistake. This Ben Gourley guy was alright... But for comedy? No. He could've done this as just a fun, light-hearted flick much better.

So, my overall consensus is, had the makers of this film chose to make it more drama-based instead of comedic, it would've done much better... Oh, and Mila, will you marry me?



Yeah I like John Heder. He's the type that you're either going to like him or not. If you don't like him in one thing, you won't like him in another. And vice versa. His act works for me tho.
