Cruel Irony

Arab Muslim soldiers fighting Nazi Germany to help liberate Jews who would would one day be driving their fellow Arab Muslims from Palestine. Oh, the irony.


everythink goes round in a circle hey


Watched the movie last night and really enjoyed it.



Worse than that, Jeprizm : as a result of some political agitation by the algerian independantists, on the very day Germany capitulated, France began a violent repression that resulted in thousands of Algerians being killed by the french army.

Also, since we're talking about irony : a large part of the independantists leaders during the Algerian war were WWII veterans who had learnt to fight wearing the french uniform.


I doubt very much that the Indigènes, or the French, for that matter, ever thought that they were fighting "to help liberate Jews"...

In fact, the Allies DID know about the camps, but they did absolutely nothing to stop or slow down the deaths going on there... so your "irony" is really rather manufactured.

If you want "irony" - how about the way the Palestinians still honour Yassir Arafat, who stole millions from them and set his wife up in very expensive digs in France (where I believe she still lives)...he might instead have used the money to help his people more. The corruption of his regime is well-known - yet they still honour ironic!

If you want "irony" - what about the Palestinian gays who are so afraid of being beaten or killed by their own people - often by their own families - that they are forced to flee to Israel, which, despite the fact that these refugees could be spies pretending to be gay, still gives many of them asylum. Now that's ironic, don't you think - Palestinians fleeing to Israel for "liberation"?

How about Egypt - which really would rather keep the Palestinians as refugees in camps rather than allowing them to settle in Egypt proper... In just about any war I've ever heard of, refugees flee and set up new lives for themselves in neighbouring or other countries. How "ironic" that none of the Arab countries really want to make a home for the Palestinians... they would rather keep them in camps to be used for political gain...

How "ironic" also that Egypt, which has made "peace" with Israel, put a three-part series on television about "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" - a totally anti-Semitic hoax originally perpetrated by the Czars, then renewed by Hitler before it began to be taught to Muslims all over the world as the "truth" - even though the Protocols were proven to be faked and a lie. (look up the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" on Wikipedia...) How "ironic" that Egypt pretends to be at peace with Israel while spreading these anti-Semitic lies across the entire Middle East.

You see, it is easy to find "irony" where you want to... especially if you are manufacturing things (which I'm not). Considering the probable illiteracy of many of the "Indigènes" (as shown in the film, by the way) - I doubt many of them knew much about the plight of the Jews in Germany at all. So it is rather ridiculous to find it "ironic" that they be "fighting to liberate the Jews"...

Oh, and by the way, when the United Nations originally made TWO contiguous states in 1948, one for the Jews and one for the Palestinians, I find it "ironic" that the Palestinians, if they had accepted the partition of Palestine, could have been living the last 50 years in peace and reasonable happiness. Too bad they wanted it ALL. Half a loaf is better than none... and would certainly have been better than what they have reaped from 50 years of fighting the Israelis.

It is also "ironic" that Muslims, who supposedly consider Moses as one of their prophets, don't remember that God supposedly offered Israel to the Jews...they should have been able to make room for the Jews from Europe after the Holocaust.
But I am getting off topic.

The film Indigènes is a very well-made account of how the French, who have been shouting "liberté, egalité, fraternité" since 1789 have never quite seen fit to offer those three ideals to the Arabs who helped them fight during the Second World War... how ironic, indeed!


wow, ur upset.
But only 1 of your examples is actually ironic. and the rest is just you babbling on.
And what is ironic is you asking someone to look something up on Wikipedia.
May be you should look up irony in a dictionary and not Wikipedia


Sensible man. Enlightening words. Israel is a nation of both great civilisation as well as great barbarism, it seems.

I find it ironic that everyone fighting , effectively due to religion, forgets the first commandment...

I find ironic the fact that most of these people were/are actually Berber, not truly Arab, if you're counting... Nothing to do with Palestine or Jewish issues in that sense...

It's a good film and serves its purpose. Nothing's perfect. I wish Israelis and Palestinians would work that one out soon...


I thought this site was about movies. There are other sites better suited to your politicking.


h, and by the way, when the United Nations originally made TWO contiguous states in 1948, one for the Jews and one for the Palestinians, I find it "ironic" that the Palestinians, if they had accepted the partition of Palestine, could have been living the last 50 years in peace and reasonable happiness. Too bad they wanted it ALL. Half a loaf is better than none... and would certainly have been better than what they have reaped from 50 years of fighting the Israelis.

Let me ask you this: If something that was yours had been stolen from you- because of something that had nothing to do with you (what happened to the Jews during World War II had absolubetely nothing to do with Palestine, we agree?), would you settle for half of it being given back to you? Especially if it was your country?

Let's see things with a little basic, unbiased justice, shall we? Why should the Palestinians settle for only half of what is righteously theirs?


World War 2 wasn't about liberating Jews. If getting rid of Jews was the sole plan of Hitler and friends I doubt the Allied forces would have united against Germany as long as he respected their borders.



Some less PC irony for you is that at the same time MUSLIMS in the Balkans were formed into a Muslim Waffen SS Division to carry out various atrocities for the Nazis.

And at the same time big Hitler admirer The Grand Mufti was inspecting SS troops in Berlin while staying as Hitler's guest.

And even more irony...During the protests against Israel recently many Muslims, all over the globe, were filmed chanting 'HEIL HITLER', calling the Jews 'fossil fuel' and calling for Islam to finish what Hitler started. Plus many a Nazi salute was seen.

We saw in the UK even before that, with the tedious cartoon protests, when veiled Muslim women held up "GOD BLESS HITLER" banners in London (we went through The Blitz for what again??) that actually the bigger irony is how close Islam and National Socialism still are.




I suggest you learn some hard truths. Apologist dirt.


I'm confused as to what he said that makes him an "apologist". Or "dirt," for that matter.


zionism and "manifest destiny" as the US expansion was called are both examples of arrogance and racism.


WW2 was a blessing in disquise for the Colonised because the European powers were greatly weakened by war, so we eventually got independence.

You white Europeans can feel superior to us non white Europeans, but the reality is we gonna make our money out of your countries.

I wont be suprised that there is growing number of people looking to kill or expel their immigrant populations because they stole their minimum wage job (;

Maybe theres an irony in words.....


I find it ironic that all these mentions of irony just make me wonder if I left the iron on...

And thanks to this thread, I now have Alanis Morisette songs stuck in my head!!

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