*rolls eyes*

So the film makers have recruited their friends to post glowing reviews of this piece of sh!t on its imdb page!

Thankfully, the rest of us aren't that stupid.

It's a shame that the effort you all went to to write these things couldn't have gone towards writing a decent script, or learning how to make movies


Well said nineandthreequarters, well said!






In this case the "to to" can be forgiven because it is two phrases "went to" and "to write".

Just thought I'd point that out.

As for the movie, I have no opinion and don't even know how I got here.


"p.s A full stop is generally used at the end of a sentence."

A full stop is generally used after the 's' in p.s. as well.

"20 dollars? But I wanted a peanut!"
Homer Simpson.



....Why...are you all arguing about grammar? We all understood what the person said...so..we can drop it now, right?


This place is a madhouse! - Rosencrantz



*que commando theme*
