MovieChat Forums > The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008) Discussion > If the After only gets 1 season will CC ...

If the After only gets 1 season will CC retire?

It could be that he can't save it fast enough to get it thru an entire season so then what? Will he just say The hell with it or is there hope he'll come back to the X-Files like Duchovny and Anderson and other people say?

My take is the After won't last even 1 season. Yeah I could be wrong and I hope I am but it doesn't look hopeful at all. I hope CC doesn't lose heart and decide to call it a day.




I just seen where he is going for 99 episodes of this!
Man , good luck!
It was a struggle to sit through the first one so I have to say there will need to be something miraculous coming down the pipe to make 99 more worth my time.
Like you say , if anyone can it's CC but wow....It is a mighty big ask.


Amazon cancelled the After (01-05-2015)! To me this is a good thing coz I think CC was rushed by them into making something he wasn't ready to make.

I hope he takes this as a chance to put the After behind him and create something really great in his own time like he usually does.


How was he rushed by them? The series order was last March. Apparently he didn't shoot a single frame of film.

This isn't some anomaly--this kind of debacle now constitutes the great majority of his career. He was a success for nine years--thanks mainly to the good work done by people he didn't hire, who have all gone on to become more successful than he is now.

He's been in TV for over 30 years now. The X-Files was a genuinely good show for maybe five of its nine seasons (I'm being generous here). So even if you give him all the credit for that, he's done good work for five out of thirty years. If you double that, and say The X-Files was great all the way through, and spot him an extra year, that's still only a third of his career.

He's had one aborted project after another since it ended--why? It's not that he hasn't been trying to get work--it's that his reputation keeps preceding him. He thought he'd finally found a place where he'd gotten out ahead of it--but apparently it caught up with him.

What's left? YouTube?


Wow - 20 years after some mailroom intern shredded your X Files fanfic and you _still_ spend all your time hating on Chris Carter coz you never got a writing job!!!

Your total lack of knowledge and understanding of the TV & movie industry is funny and makes us laugh but let's leave your kiddy land and move back into our real world of grown ups now.

Go write some more Walking Dead fanfic and send it to the show's producers - maybe it won't get shredded in the mailroom right away this time. It may even make it all the way to an outer office before some secretary calls the intern and tells him to 'get it off my desk immediately'!

clyons is the epitome of failure!

