MovieChat Forums > 10,000 BC (2008) Discussion > 10'000-40'000 BC make movies, now!!

10'000-40'000 BC make movies, now!!

I wish they would use real technical advantages to re-create great prehistoric-man storys. There is so much untouched fresh material. So interesting and captivating!

Heres the extremely interesting Homo Ergaster which survived 2 millions years long- most sucessfull Pre-Human species so far, with a similar advanced body structured. We Homo Sapiens only live for 60'000 years. This species also set out to explore the world outside of Africa: Asia, Europe and proably Australia. Homo Habilis and Florensis (A dwarf sized species) which co-existed with us- Human, and the Neanderthals -the great competitor of us- which mysteriously didn't survive. Neanderthals were able to produce music with a bone-flute! They were capable of complex, social and practical thinking but too slow to adapt to environemtal changes.

And then add the flora and the animals! giant sloths, three meter high kangaroos, huge antilopes and more unnbelieveable animals.
The whole period from 300'000-40'000years ago is so extremely interesting. I wish to see more movies well done with todays most advanced technology and costumes.

Not some CG crap with wooden actors. More in the context of La guerre du feu, Jurassic Park.

A big prehistoric adventure, thats what we need! We deserve it!


I would love this. Wall-E proved that you can make a touching movie without much dialogue, and there simply aren't enough good movies about prehistory.

Honestly, I don't even really care if it's historically accurate. People saw the world much differently back then. An honest attempt to draw people into that perspective would be really interesting.


Couldn't special effects similar to what was used in Avatar (motion capture) be used to make beings that are our long ago ancestors? Humanoid but not quite human?


I kind of like this idea!

We could have four movies:
Ergaster, in which fire is discovered.

Neanderthal, in which the Ice Age reaches its peak, as does the size of the human brain.

Florensis, wherein adult hominids the size of sixth graders hunt pygmy elephants and have to deal with huge lizards.

Modern, in which the first modern human beings leave Africa, unaware that there are other hominids already out there.

DVD special feature:
Posthuman, a twenty minute feature in which genetic engineering or cyborg tech creates the next species of hominid. Not some evil thing, but a truly superior being, physically, mentally, and morally, who is the wave of the future.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


It's "floresiensis", in fact. Bit of a mouthful, but there you go. Also, you missed out Denisovan. Don't forget the Denisovans. They were cool. And our ancestors, too. :)
"New DNA Analysis Shows Ancient Humans Interbred with Denisovans"
A new high-coverage DNA sequencing method reconstructs the full genome of Denisovans--relatives to both Neandertals and humans--from genetic fragments in a single finger bone
By Katherine Harmon
Scientific American, August 30, 2012


Yes, "floresiensis" is a mouthful, and my spell checker was no help at all. Now it will be, though, as I've just added your correct spelling to the dictionary.

This short feature is an "Easter egg" found only on the BluRay release. Only 40 seconds long, it shows one finger stroking the thigh of a modern human.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


Yay! That'll be brilliant. I'm a bit disappointed that the "Easter egg" will only be available on the Blu-ray version, but I might be tempted to get a Blu-ray player just so that I can see it.

No, wait, hang on. Would a Denisovan finger stroking a Homo sapiens thigh count as bestiality? I might have to take legal advice before I buy it. I think the laws in the UK might be stricter on that sort of thing.


My own feeling is that if two creatures can make a baby together, it ain't bestiality. In some cases (Earthlings and space aliens) it might not be bestiality even if they can't make a baby together. That would be XENOPHILIA!

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart
