I wish they made more

Its been 9 years and this movie is on Youtube right now. It is a great movie, whether you are a devote christian or just love dystopian future movies.

What a shame they did not make another one.


They were going to make a fourth movie called Left Behind IV: Rise of Nicolae as well as a TV show, but one the authors of the Left Behind book series, Tim LaHaye launched a lawsuit because he thought they were poorly adapting the story and the fact that they were low budget. The movie rights were taken from Cloud Ten, given to Tim LaHaye and then back to Cloud Ten over the last several years. Now, under a new company name, Stoney Lake Entertainment both the producers and LaHaye have settled their differences and now have a remake coming out in theaters this October 3rd starring Nicolas Cage as Rayford Steele: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uskSBJsCf38


Well thank you. But what a horrible story to stop a good movie series. People are so petty. Thanks again.
