MovieChat Forums > Killshot (2008) Discussion > what happened to johnny knoxville???

what happened to johnny knoxville???

i have seen previews for this film for well over a year ago and finaly got a copy about 3 months ago only to find out that the charachter of Johnny Knoxville ws completely eliminated from the script.

anyone out there have a clue why his role ended up on the cutting room floor.

anyone know please respond




Which is the lamest thing i've ever heard since his character was SUPPOSED to be hated...HE WAS A BAD GUY!!! Personally i think Knoxville would've been fantastic in that role and i'm really disappointed that aspect of the story is not in this movie now. Friggin' hollywood...

El Ultimo Pistolero


i would have to agree with you if his "badguy" charachter was cut due to some lame hollywood test screenings in wich i have participated and familiar with i think his personality could of only added to this film wich is very good to begin with it.
i was just a bit disappionted when watching the film a few months ago i learned his role was cut.

there loss johnny knoxville has been solid in his dramatic roles and would of fit in perfectly


Apparently Johnny's acting was pretty darn terrible, so they cut the movie and had to reshoot a lot of the scenes involving the rest of the characters.

Proud Balehead.


That's possible i suppose, but his character is the type of character a guy like Knoxville could totally excel at if he wanted. My guess is they cut him due to "poor audience response" and however many other budget\casting\filming\weinstein issues there were. Either way, inexcusable, and the movie was that much worse because of it. Not that it was bad, but it certainly wasn't what it could've been at ALL.

El Ultimo Pistolero


I thought Johnny's character did appear in the film, in the scene after Diane Lane tried selling a house in MI and then noticed the agent watching her in the car.

Anyway, here's the original 2006 trailer for the only footage I'm guessing we'll ever see of Knoxville in "Killshot":


Could it have been worse than Joseph Gordon-Levitt's acting?


Well that kind of makes sense why Netflix has Johnny Knoxville listed as being in it. It even says it right on the package the dvd comes in. I saw the movie and was rather confused when Johnny Knoxville was completely not there.

You gave up everything you had to find me. You found me broken.


Maybe they'll eventually put him back in. Will probably have to wait for a ten year anniversary though


His role was cut because he sucks. He's better off being chased by bulls and wearing a fake penis than actually acting in a movie. Don't be confused by Hollywood, this guy is not an actor.


When 'Jackass 3D' hits in October, I expect the Knoxville cut of the flick will be released (as 'directors cut' or some bull).


I don't buy it. I am sure his agent saw how terrible this film was going to be already, or at a screening and saved his ass. This is probably why Knoxville is not in this disasterpiece. Thank God...

"Wanna know how I got these O scars???"


it's ironic, isn't it? Test audiences hated his character so he was bumped. And then the film goes on to earn...wait for it... ten thousand dollars.

That's it. That was their gross.

That wasn't enough to pay for the first week of CATERING!!!
