MovieChat Forums > Hoodwinked! (2006) Discussion > Who knew it was.. *spoilers*

Who knew it was.. *spoilers*

Who knew it was the bunny the first time you saw him?

I've never seen a movie so predictable. The suspicisions were confirmed when the bunny obviously opened the doors and reached for the treats instead of Riding hood.

Kids movies, not like they used to be.

"The day you're born, you're already dead."


I knew it right off the bat as well, cant remember what triggered it. Something just seemed off about him lol


He was pretty obvious. What confirmed it for me was when he appeared in ALL FOUR of the characters' stories.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I think for me it was the fact that he tricked Wolf and Twitchy into going into a bat-infested cave that was ankle-deep in water. You could easily argue he was just wandering around and just happened to be nearby when Kirk's truck was vandalized (based on what he's carrying, Boingo had just hopped off of Red's bike). Makes you think that he and the henchmen vandalized the truck, then Boingo went off for the first encounter with Red, then came back to pretend to be an innocent bystander.


I first time I watched it, I was caught totally off guard. But of course I first saw it when I was eleven

"And Keith...Darn it change your name!


Well, you can't tell when Red is retelling her story that Boingo opens the door with his ear. For all she knows, the doors just happen to fail at an incredibly bad time.

And the Wolf and Twitchy clearly distrust Boingo from the beginning when he tells them of a shortcut to Granny's house - and writes the directions on an Easter Egg. "Over the woods and through the river.... No, you don't want to go through the river. You'll get all wet," literally.


when he popped up randomly for the wolf to give him directions, i decided he was a suspicious little bugger. he was acting far too casually to be natural. he was up to something but i thought he was a henchman, not the mastermind


let's not go to camelot, it is a silly place


There's a 13 minute short about the making of Hoodwinked on the DVD where they mention that adults will most likely figure it out right away, but a lot of kids won't. The film is definitely meant more for kids although I'm not a kid and I enjoyed it.
