MovieChat Forums > Gypo (2006) Discussion > Stylistically it just did NOT work!

Stylistically it just did NOT work!

For the first half of the film I was confused about what was happening. Granted you find out in the end but isn't that a little late?

Then there was the acting which was alot of the time comical.

The lesbian stoyline was reeeeeediculous.

There is one point where the main character is rushing out to go and save her young lesbian lover and she puts her mobile down on the side before rushing out... DUH... How is she going to call you if you leave your phone behind?

The mentioned Czech republic being part of the EU. they how would they be Refugees if they are allowed here legally anyway?

Also Tasha makes the point that Asylum seekers are COMPLETELY different to refugees. Hold on! If an Asylum seeker is granted asylum, don't they become a refugee?

IT was watchable and the general themes and ideas it was trying to project were good but it needs alot of work.



Theme and style go together. :)


I meant style because of the way they told it from different point of views. It was a nice idea but I don't think it really worked!!!


I didn't even think it was watchable. Full of goofs, for one thing. But the acting was awful - mainly, I think, because the script was so bad. It was like a middle-class person's idea about how working-class people speak and behave. The prejudices shown were horribly stereotypical. I thought the whole thing was crass.


No offense and you're entitled to your view, but having just watched the film I disagree.
That you don't find out exactly what's going on until the end isn't too late. A little mystery is always good in film, and it is gradually revealed as this film goes on.

Acting was occasionally comical, but hey, it was improvised.

Lesbian storyline was ridiculous, granted. But it's not the only story to have someone fall for someone 25 years older.

They mentioned Czech Republic was NOT part of the E.U., which is why they were illegal until they got their passports.


Actually, when Tasha was explaining the situation with her father and husband to Helen, her exact words were: "We're actually more scared he's gonna come now because Czech Republic is NOW part of EU. So he can come and leave really easily."

Czech Republic joined the European Union is 2004, so i guess the action takes place in either 2004 or 2005.

out of all the things i've lost i miss my mind the least
