MovieChat Forums > Edmond (2006) Discussion > White people using the 'N-word'

White people using the 'N-word'

Multiple times in this movie!!! Ohhhh! Someone call Al Sharpton...quick!


well as he was stabbing the would be pimp he did call him the N-word, the C-word but at least he didn't call him nappy-headed.


The pimp had straight hair, though. Edmond might have been an insane racist repressed homosexual, but he wasn't blind. ;)


The problem is, Black people calling themselves that in every facet of our culture, and until they (Black's) STOP calling themselves N's,...some white's are inevitably going to call them that. One of these Day's, a White (Caucasian) person is going to be offended for being called a 'Honky' or 'Cracker' and maybe,...just maybe,....everyone will see just how truly silly 'name-calling' can be. Stick's & Stones People,...Sticks & Stones!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!


It seems that unless legally grown people become adult enough to understand the concept of social context we will continue to have simpleton views like this. Yes, the use of the word in this movie intended to offend, but its used to show how far this guy has fallen and disassociated he has become. Anyone can say the word if they want, but don't pretend that it will get the same reaction in all situations. Free speech requires responsibility...


I hope no one gets upset when we have our "White History Month", "White Entertainment television", targeted "White Scholarships". Just remember I use the n-word i'm racist. You call me a honkey and everyone thinks its cool. Just as a heads up, Its not african-american, british-american, etc. I do not go around calling myself scotch-irish-indian american. If you live in this country, have citizenship and were born in this country... you don't really have heritage now. Sure its nice to know it but at the end of the day all you really are is American. Deal with it. Prejudice will end the day everyone quits trying to separate themselves from the rest of America. Accept the label American or GTFO. Go back to your heritage. Thats my .02.


1. White history months are the 11 months of the year that are not black history month.
2. Watch tv and tell me how many non-whites you actually see
3. Try looking up scholarships for Irish, Scottish, German, Polish, and so on, and you will see how many scholarships for white people there actually are.
4. I'll remember how American I am the next time someone asks me where I'm from and doesn't believe me when I say "Wyoming


Get real the racism in this country is not by the whites toward the blacks anymore. You are talking about a time that is long since past. Yes there are still ignorant people that still hate everyone including blacks and most whites. Racism will not cease in this country until the black man quits harboring hateful, resentful rhetoric toward all whites. Quit living in the 50's and live in a new century. Let me tell ask you this, this is a majority rules world. How come the majority gets pushed around by 12 percent of the population. Think about that you want equal blacks in jobs when just 12 percent of the US population is black. How can a small minority try to be equal as a majority. I am not saying that blacks are beneath whites, what I am saying is 12% of the population is just that.


that was so silly and misinformed i don't even know where to begin.


You dont know where to begin because you have been brainwashed like everyone else in believing that blacks are still being held back. Once again this is a 50's way of thinking. Think of this people used to say that blacks had it so bad in slavery when in actuality they have just discovered that the blacks during slavery ate the same food as the whites did. I am not saying that slavery was good it was not it is a horrible stain on this nation and should be looked upon as really bad time when Americans werent very american. But Blacks had it worse when slavery was over. They starved when there was no work. When they were slaves that would eat and have a place to live. But to say that the N word in amovie is bad, get real. If a black man says honky in a movie its okay. Bull.

reply arte saying that blacks had it better when they were slaves than when they were free and poor.
Interesting, you are using the same excuse that people-traffickers still use: that they are just offering them a better opportunity in life.

Interesting that that is said by a white person. I guess the opinion of a black man might be FAR different than yours. Is always easy to judge on how easy or hard life is or was...for another.

"The person who surrenders liberties to obtain more security, doesnt deserv freedom nor security".


Once again you cannot have a discussion without having to bury your head with the slavery card is used. I am not saying that blacks should have stayed slaves and they would have had it better what I am saying is that blacks were taken advantage of alot more after slavery ended. I have not had an easy life. I have had a hard life. I did have a chance at a career one time though, let me tell you about it. I worked at a daily paper for several years and was going to make it my life. I had a chance to go to the press and jump from 5 dollars an hour to 20 dollars an hour and this was when I was 20 years old and it was 1989. I worked hard for it. When it came time I couldnt get the job because they had to hire a black to get the quota of blacks to higher paid jobs. Well I left the company and the guy who got the job with none of the experience that I had, well he got fired for never showing up to work and coming in drunk. Seems really fair. Seems like blacks would hate this to get a job to fill a quota.


The bottom line on of all this PC spin can be found here.

Read it and weep apologists.



look student, you complain that 12% of the population is trying to be 50%, but that is not at all what is happening.

If you are really a psych student you should have some grounding in statistics (or maybe not, given how the edu system sucks in the 21st century)...look at per capita economic stats for whites and non-whites; look at unemployment rates among blacks, among whites; look at how many accused white killers get the death penalty, and how many black accused get it.

Then get back to us.




Why then, is the prison population FILLED with the race that makes up only 12% of our population?

'What the hell kinda way to act is that?'- Royal Tenenbaum


So psych and juice, white on black prejudice is completely gone and that black people are the ones who caused prejudice? Yeah... right...


I never said that what I am saying is that there is allot more black on white hate then the other way around. You see a black man can get a mic and talk about it but a white man doing the same thing is an evil man. What if they started White Entertainment Television. Oh boy Rev Jesse Jackson would hope the first plane to fight against it. When the riots happened in LA it was a crime against the black people for the cops to not be convicted. But when the blacks went off and destroyed the city and started to beat the white people that were coming through then it was somehow justified. Come on take off the blinders that you have been given and see the truth. Okay we had slavery in this country which I think is a great stain on our past it should have never have happened. But if you show me one black person alive that was a slave then the hatred is justified. But as it stands now the racist atmosphere is perpetuated by the blacks in this country.


"You see a black man can get a mic and talk about it but a white man doing the same thing is an evil man. "

I do agree with you on that. Same goes on with feminism: a man saying something like "wow, you got the period or something?" to a lady is a machist *beep* but a woman saying something critizing men for being men, is funny or "cute".
But my guess is that is a normal stage in society, that the few decades after the supposed "equality" , the balance is a bit turned the other way, then it will just balance itself.

But again, to compare this attitudes in society to slavery, is a bit too much. Same as your arguments "But as it stands now the racist atmosphere is perpetuated by the blacks in this country." Jews and also muslims today can tell you a story or two about racism being in society for longer and deeply in society nowadays; no matter what they say or do about it.


This is a very touchy subject because people will take what it said and make it mean something that was not intended. My whole point is this; the problem with racism is that people will not let it rest. I do know that it still exist ut come on everything is not racism. I had a man come in to a store I work at and wanted to do a return on a cordless phone. Well the phone was 9 months old and it was dirty and broken, not working anymore because of the abuse. Well I said I couldnt do a return on the phone since it was over 30 days and it was beat up. Well he pull out the book and he said that it had a year warranty on it so he could bring it back. Then I explained that I could get it sent off to repair for him and get it fixed but the warranty meant it would get fixed and not refunded. He was mad and then started to say that I was a racist and wouldnt take it back because he was black and if he was white then there would be no problems. This may seem funny but it happens all the time. This is the things that has to stop for racism to be looked at seriously. If you yell racism over everything then it gets old. I think with racism you have to pick battles. I think the problem with the racism ideas in this country is th leaders. If a black man is called a N-word in public then it is a hate crime and Rev Jaskson flies down to fight and help this person. Come on, life isnt fair. I have problems in my life and I roll with it. but to be a black man and blame everything on racism you are cheaping the offense and making a joke out of what Martin Luther King Jr fought for. I hope you understand what I am saying. I am not a racist, I am a realist and think if you tell black people that you cannot get ahead because the white man willl keep you down, then you are condeming them with your words. They will believe it and not try becasue there is no reason to try when you will just be kept down anyway.


Excellent comments.
Agree 100%.

And yes, the cops beating Rodney king deserved a punishement, but thats no excuse to go around in riots and anarchy, they also deserve to be punished too.


"How come the majority gets pushed around by 12 percent of the population. Racism will not cease in this country until the black man quits harboring hateful, resentful rhetoric toward all whites."

You sound pretty resentful there yourself of black people. And I'm not sure exactly why, either because I'm willing to bet you are probably better off than the average black person in this country. I mean, exactly how are black people pushing around the majority? By consistently earning less than white people? By getting incarcerated at record rates and serving longer prison sentences than white people for the same crimes? Please do tell...


You aren't really a psych student, are you? God forbid.

Human Rights: Know them, demand them, defend them.


1. *beep* However, considering our piece of the American pie, that's how it should be.
2. An overrepresentation. Too many.
3. I hope so.
4. Don't like it? Then get the *beep* out. You'll be treated more fairly here than in any other country on Earth if you don't match the majority. Want to be slobbered over for being different? Go to Europe.

"Did he say 'Making f-ck'?"



to juicek8


In America people identity themselves through ancestry. Italians, Polish, German etc., but all Americans. African Americans, however due to the circmustances of slavery, do not know which country from which they orignate, so they use the continent of Africa as a substitute. No one gets offended if someone says, I am Korean, Italian etc. So why get defensive about African Americans? And by the way, every one originates from Africa. Every race of people migrated from that common area. So if African Americans have to go back to Africa because that is our original place of origin, well then I will see you all at the great family reunion!


Legally grown people? Is that as opposed to illegally grown people? Personally, I make sure all of the people that I buy are legally grown. Don't want to get into trouble with the government, you know. Heh heh.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


Yeah, becuase white people never called black people the n-word until blacks started using it on one another. You fail.


Jesus Christ, tomcat69w, learn how to properly use the apostrophe..I know that you probably had a message in there somewhere, but I personally couldn't get past your horrible grammar. Here it don't use "'s" with a plural noun (such as "black's") it should be "blacks" WITHOUT the apostrophe. Same with, "white's", "Day's" (which shouldn't have a capital letter either, by the way), or Stick's". The apostrophe denotes ownership, not plurality. So, use it if you were going to say "The day's end was approaching", not "I wish summer day's would never end." You have a very valid message to get across-just say it properly.

Anyway, I wanted to say that I personaly feel that we all need to realize that all our ancestors were called variations of *beep* at one point. It's just easier for blacks to be singled out because of their race. It doesn't make it right or excuse it in any way, but I hope that we can relate and stop the petty name-calling *beep* So African-Americans had it hard. We are all equal now, so big deal. Honestly, women should be the ones bitching, because we don't even have a Constitutional Amendment making it illegal to discriminate against us yet. So, realize that we all have our struggles, be them racial, sexual, or whatever. And that this whole discussion stemmed from a *beep* MOVIE!!!


steve miller band

I don't have TIME for this Mickey Mouse bullsh!t!!!


he called everyone those. i dunno. and the point was?

an angry middle, aged white man?

since mamet wrote it, it came from his brain. his thoughts.



No Speech Codes - NO Double Standers.

If it is good enough for a Black to use, it certainly is good enough for me to use.


Amen cjump


No speech codes, no double standards? Let me set the record straight once and for all. No self-respecting African-American or "black" person wherever he originated from would refer to himself as a *beep* Those members of the African-American community who refer to themselves in this way are invariably, uneducated, self-hating copyists. I never hear Ashkenazi or white jews calling each other *beep* or "hymmie" or Latin-Americans calling themselves "spics" or *beep* so why African-Americans. It is precisely because this tiny minority who were given huge exposure through new rap & gansta-rap, inter alia, that the term permeated into American consciousness. Far from reclaiming the term, what an ubsurd notion; who would want to own such a derogatory term, it has become "slang" amongst blue collar Americans and an even more potent term of abuse by racists, as the debate rages on, who know just how much it offends conscious and right thinking African-Americans.

White people using the "N" word? No-one should be allowed to use it, nor any other form of racial slur or ephithet. This should be law, anyone using these terms should be charged with inciting a hate crime. Sipmplistic? Yes, but a good place to start. And don't even bother to talk about free speech, no free speech without absolute responsibility, i.e. if you can't articulate your thought, then you shouldn't be speaking. If you want to learn how to speak, listen to people that can and read lots of books. Accents don't matter, words do.


ps. I speak as a half Sudanese African Hebrew and half South American/Caribbean Indian.


finally someone who makes sense of the whole ordeal


i don't at all mind the way you think, but if the word is to be legally limitted it should be done with some care and balance. banning a word in art for instance would be stupid. art should always always hold the complete right to offend people, it's half its job. as long as it doesn't actually involved an immoral act to make the art, what the art represents emotionally and artistically should be allowed. using certain words can be immoral but sometimes is more quotation or reference or examplification or even just plain harsh emotional expression through direct use of the word in the context of art, is not so immoral. by the way rap and movies like this aren't exactly on the same level of taste so don't go overrelating them.
also use of the word in social situations in a less racist but still derogatory way i think is more questionable than use in a friendly manner. it seems depraived really, but not to everyone. some ought to think about it more than they do, some ought to be called ignorant about it, but it shouldn't necessarily be illegalized.
use of the word by white people, i think is most scary when it starts to encompass a sense of somehow being treated unequally and unfairly by not being allowed to use it. that can be a gateway to racism. might not be all bad though i dunno.


Save the whales!!!


You can't outlaw words. A word is just a group of letters that encapsulates a thought. Let's say all racial epithets got banned. What next? Sexist words? Words that discriminate based on sexual preference? What about general insults like "stupid" or "arrogant?" If you go that road, eventually you get to a society in which it is illegal to say anything negative. That sounds like Orwell to me.
I agree with you saying "no free speech without absolute responsibility", I just disagree with your conclusion on where that takes us and society.
I have the right to walk through Harlem calling everyone I see a *beep* But if I do so, knowing the emotional charge that word carries, I have to accept total responsibility for getting my ass beaten half to death, or worse.

As a pejorative word, *beep* sums up all the negative stereotypes people can apply to black people and puts it in one, super-powered, easy to use word. Ban the word and all you'll end up doing is force racists to expand their vocabulary.

In the end, a word is just the vocal expression of a thought, and you cannot make thoughts, as unpleasant as they may be, illegal. The word "gay" used to mean happy and carefree. Now it means homosexual, because that's how people use it. If enough people used "n*igger" to refer to their best friend, or their bicycle, or that thing in the drain that is supposed to stop the toothpaste cap from falling in, then guess what? *beep* would no longer be an offensive word.


Your advocation of criminilzation of speech offends me deeply. You don't understand the First Amendment very well. Don't you think there are enough Americans in prison already? I got news for you, the word is part of the English language and culture in this day and age, and it's African Americans who you can thank for that after 20+ years of integrating it into the cultural norm. I ain't saying your a Gold Digger




As to your "heritage" , how cool for you. That's so "in" right now to be half.
I don't know how anyone can be half 6 different things, but I hear it all the time.

As for the word *beep* I'm bored with it. I am old enough to remember when *beep* was the most offensive word any English speaker could use. And it's
everywhere now. You want to put a LAW on the use of speech ? It's not the words, it's the intention. The psych student poster makes some valid points.
(more like 15%, but I see what you're saying).

This is a different world now. I don't care if you're 1/3 Irish and 1/3 Italian. I only care about who you are and what you do with that.

It is time that EVERYONE stopped trying to cash in on the abuse of their
ancestors. Period.

This is just a disturbing movie. And worth watching.

p.s. I suggest you all start learning Spanish.

Very early in my life it was too late.
-Marguerite Duras


Well feel free to go back to Sudan or South America or the Caribbean. In the USA we have the right to free speech. That speech may piss people off and in some cases there may be legal consequences (e.g. yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, inciting people to violence), but simply uttering a word even if intended in a hateful manner is protected by the First Amendment.

There is a good historical reason why speech is not limited in the US. Our country is founded on the idea of overthrowing an oppressive regime which wouldn't want people talking badly about the monarchy.

I recall an interesting case from the '90s - a black ACLU lawyer actually defended the KKK's right to free speech. I doubt the ACLU lawyer agreed with what the KKK had to say, but he did believe they had a right to say it.

The "N-word" is just a word. I'm old enough to have heard people even older than myself use that term as just a word - not in a hateful manner. I cringed when I heard an old lady say it, but she wasn't being hateful. It was just the word she used to refer to black people. Might she have been racist? Well, that's certainly possible, but she wasn't displaying any racism when I heard her use that word. Context matters and despicable as it may be it's not illegal to be racist.

It's certainly not socially acceptable. If you want to shun or ostracize racists and even call them horrible names I'm actually on your side. If you want to assault them or lock them up in prison for their beliefs or speech then I am not.

And that's the great thing about America - you can call the president a "n-word". You could even try to make the case that black people are inferior or evil, but you will be mocked and scorned and laughed at by most of us but you have that right.

Try that in some other countries and you will be put in prison and perhaps even executed.

In some countries it is illegal to even criticize the head of state and that law is actually enforced. There are people right now who are rotting in prisons worse than any that exist in the US simply for saying their head of state is not cool.

And once you start passing laws against certain types of speech where does it end? Who gets to decide what is approved speech and which speech is criminal?

Let people say what they will and let society in general judge it on its merits and take it seriously if it has any merit and let them criticize it or ignore it if it doesn't.


Prejudice exists. That's a truth that is floated up to our eyes in this movie. Even now today and tomorrow and tomorrow. Given some pressure, like having your life threatened, or being cheated, or cut off in traffic, or thought of as a criminal, the prejudice that lies below the surface will force its head through like a whale desperately searching for air. Generationally passed from father to son, from brother to brother, from whoever to whoever. Edmond thinks he is having an epiphany of justification of how he really feels, but on a higher level is easily understood as a heroic, but pathetically a closet racist.

The character played by the pimp was a stereotypical character. But, did the character deserve what they got? Was Edmond justified, was he rooted for at that point? No matter the race of the pimp? Yes.

By the way, a great white pimp who got their just reward: Harvey Keitel in Taxi Driver.

Edmond being happy at the end of the movie in his situation is the most ultimate disturbing irony I can imagine as an ending to be for this movie.


People who annoy you : N_GGERS





First of all, This is a brilliant play. Probably David Mamet's finest. I would like to point out, you are all commenting on a film version of David Mamet's original stage play. A play that has been out since 1983 and performed since then, by many of the actors that appear in this film version. Kenneth Branagh performed in the part of Edmond in London for the National Theatre in 2003.

All your comments on the "N" word are posted with great noted intention, but you are all missing the point of the movie and why the language is being said as it is. This is the breakdown of the psyche and the remorselessness that ensues when it happens. Vile language is merely another facet. The character of Edmond is Mamet's physical representation of mental breakdown on all levels. And... let's not forget the fact that Mamet wrote this play back in 1983, a time of greater racial biases. This is not the same "N" word that is being used in the present time where a hip-hop nation and the black culture seem to throw the word around like a membership badge to a club of exclusivity. This N word had a more racially cutting intention, and is meant to throw they viewer off kilter.

This is a movie made to parallel Milton's "Paradise Lost", Mamet's Edmond creates his own hell after the opening chance encounter with the fortune teller, who inevitably places him on the path to self-destruction. It is interesting to note that every character in this story represents one of the fortune tellers Tarot cards and a step in the path towards self annihilation.

In many respects Edmond is an innocent, a patsy, exploited by everyone he meets. From looking for sex, being ripped off and mugged, buying a survival knife, to the inevitability of murder; Edmund spirals towards personal disintegration. It is only natural that during his self-destructiveness that racism emerge, which he then unwontonly expresses.

There is something rather inevitable and predictable about Edmond's journey of descent as if Mamet has created him to demonstrate the corrupting effect man has on himself and on society. We, the audience, are never surprised, we can see it coming. Edmond learns not to take responsibility for his own actions but to blame others, even as he murders Glenna, he cries out to her "Now look what you've done, now look what you've bloody *beep* done".

In prison he is raped by his black cellmate, yet eventually finds comfort in this companionship. He is truely lost. All manners gone. He questions whether or not he is in heaven or hell. In the end, all the roles Edmond acted upon through his downfall have now become the consequential routine of his very existence.


Thank you. Finally someone understood the film.


Also, why are white people obsessed with Al Sharpton? It's not like blacks are obsessed with Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh.


I won't say if African Americans using the n-word is right or wrong. Each one has to make that decision from his or herself; certainly not all of them condone it. I don't understand why Caucasians get so upset about the double standard. Why would they WANT to use that word?


I think it is so ironic that Edmond is happy with his companion at the end. Truly happy. He was happy being on the receiving side of a gay relationship in prison with someone that was the race he hated for an unknown reason. Irony in carnate.


"The pimp had straight hair, though. Edmond might have been an insane racist repressed homosexual, but he wasn't blind. ;)"

yeah, getting punked in prison more then compensated for the n word usage! LOL!


Much better to call them DANs. I hadn't seen that many wild colored people since the last Tarzan movie.


I do not think Edmond was a true racist in his daily life, but once he crossed the line into a psychosis his self loathing and hatred began to control him. At times he became paranoid with irrational behavior. Without a conscience...Loose associations. Had he somehow managed to get away with the brutal murder of that young woman he most definitely would have murdered again. I think we can presume he was downtrodden and bullied at various times in his life. As far as the "N" word, I think he was venting all the years of abuse he had suffered at the black man that had just attacked him. But lets be honest.....prejudices have existed since the beginning of mankind. How many times have the Jews been enslaved? What about women? What year did we finally get the vote...after slavery. One issue I never hear anyone mention is the fact that blacks sold each other into slavery. I am from the north and not one of my ancestors ever owned a slave. The only time I hear the "N" word is when the radio is playing rap or the HBO comedy specials where black men and women use it in every other sentence. I find the word disgusting along with chick, Ho, wench, the "C" word or any word that degrades or demoralizes another human being.....whatever race they are.


I don't really think that the race of the inmate was intentionally black. That may have been the director's idea for the ironic feel.

I think that Edmond spent his entire life feeling lost and one day he simply brokedown. Wanting some insite and for someone to here his story and show him the direction to go in life. He basically walked aimlessly, but inevidably walked into trouble. I found this film similiar to "Falling Down" with Micheal Douglas. I didn't see him as racist, but just lashing out at society. When he killed Glenna, it was eccentially an accident. He only wanted her to understand him, NOT kill her. When he made it to prison, I believe he settled in and was truly happy. He was no longer lost in society. He had purpose and security with his cellmate regardless of his race.



I wouldn't say many people are obsessed with Al Sharpton, it's just that he's plain ridiculous. He's like some kind of clown that thinks everything is about race. Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are ridiculous as well. You can also add Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and Keith Olbermann (ok, I kinda like Keith, but he is ridiculous) to the ridiculous list. Hell, now that I think about it, pretty much all the news commentators and most politicians are ridiculous. Television has degenerated into a propaganda and marketing machine. It's strange how some people can be influenced so easily.

P.S. "I'm takin' it back!" :)


LOL. True.


yeah they say the *beep* Word pretty often


It's just a movie. Get over it!


Someone stated: "Free speech requires responsibility..."

I'll take it a step further... If you want your fee speech heard, clean out your ears and listen to the rest of the free speech, without getting all high and mighty about it...


I wasn't getting high and mighty. I was just stateing a fact. It's only a movie. That's it. If your gonna all pissy because of language used a movie, you shouldn't be watching it.


Its just words if someone wants to feel offended let them
they are the ones pissed off
is just a movie
and those words were said with a purpose, and that is to make you think and discuss, exactly what is happening here.



I don't want to say it. I don't want anyone to say it. I think it's degrading.

Talking monkey, yeah, yeah. Came here from the future, ugly sucker, only says "ficus".


What you fail to understand here is the context.

Macy's character was wary of the pimp but he wasn't racist. He had already been ripped off and he didn't hate or distrust the guy simply because he was black.

When he reacted to getting robbed he pulled out everything he could think of including the "N-word". In addition to using his knife and kicking him he said a lot of hateful words. He was enraged. Think about it. If you're in a fit of rage are you going to stop yourself from using one of the most hateful terms you can think of because it might not be politically correct?

Stab, stab "you filthy *beep* Stab, kick "you farking ni----uh, I didn't mean that. That would be an offensive term to use and I wouldn't want to offend you". stab, stab, kick "you farking piece of shiat!"
