What's with the fox?


Stars, they're like little holes in the floor of heaven


It's explained by Oana when she's in the car with Will. It's the only wild thing in his life and he can't stand it. It's supposed to be metaphoric.

*I'm your stranger ... Jump!*


No, I got that, I mean't why is it running around in the city? Is that normal?

Stars, they're like little holes in the floor of heaven


Yeah it is pretty normal in London actually; they hide in the parks, landfill areas, near rubbish skips etc. Mostly people assume there's just rats but i've seen a few foxes.

*I'm your stranger ... Jump!*


That's very strange, but I guess it's just like some places here in the U.S have coyotes.

Thanks rainydays for answering that, I had no idea it was such a normal occurrence.

Stars, they're like little holes in the floor of heaven


The urban fox is a well documented modern phenomenon. Ive lived in 3 Dublin city neighbourhoods and in all 3 have seen foxes at night. And their mating call is just as it's portrayed in the film.


Oana (Vera Farmiga) answers your question.

you should have watched more carefully... ;)


thecloudy - I wasn't talking about the symbol of the fox, I heard her explanation, I was talking about why there was a fox wandering around London. Others have answered that question (If you had read the other posts before posting).

I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me.


you're right...


The fox symbolizes the opposition to Will and Sandy's plan to "urbanize" King's Cross. Also, Bea is the fox in human form. Will thinks Bea is making all that noise but Liv corrects him. Will's desire to change King's Cross is much like his longing for Bea to accept him as a father. Both might never happen or if they do, they will be compromises.

