Things we've learned from Borat

1. If a man is fat enough, you won't be able to see his wedding tackle
2. It's best not to fly, in case the Jews repeat their attack of 9/11
3. Charlie Chaplin looks like Hitler
4. A gay pride rally is a traditional American street festival
5. Some cars come with an optional p***y magnet
6. If a man puts a rubber fist in your anoos, he might be a homosexual
7. You can make cheese from breast milk
8. Many conservatives at rodeos want to see Bush drink the blood of all Iraqis
9. This suit is black...
10. ...NOT
11. iPod Mini is for girls only
12. Nobody loves Borat's neighbor
13. You can get kicked out of a hotel for speaking street slang
14. Jews can transform into insects and don't notice if you throw money at them
15. The desire to secede is still alive and well in the South
16. Pamela Anderson has the @$$hole of a 7-year old
17. Gypsy tears can protect you from AIDS
18. Pearl Harbor and Texas are both in California
19. Jews can lay eggs
20. Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world, all other countries are run by little girls


My response to #3- Actually (no joke) it's the other way around. When Hitler came to power, they asked him why he had a Charlie Chaplin-like moustache (look it up, I'm pretty sure it's true!)


"When Hitler came to power, they asked him why he had a Charlie Chaplin-like moustache "

Why did they wait until he came to power to ask him that?


21. ppl of color can also be called "chocolate face"

I'm not taking my sneakers off,cause I'm Sneakers 0'Toole.


22. Alexandra Paul will do anything to cash in on her Baywatch days.
23. A skinny white man who speaks broken English can ask a group of black street youths for directions in the middle of the night and not get mugged or killed.
24. Alan Keyes and Bob Barr will neither protest nor file litigation against massive publicity, no matter how embarrassing.
25. American fraternity guys are a$$holes.
26. Southern hospitality far outweighs Southern common sense.

Also, re: your #3 - Azamat was dressed as Oliver Hardy (hence his statement of "another fine mess you've gotten me into" and high-pitched whimpering), not Charlie Chaplin.

If I ever go down, I hope I don't get the Potato Judge.


27. it's not that unusual for a man to carry around & show nude pics of his son.
28. never get caught masterbating to a pic of a woman your friend is obsessed with.
29. when an old car no longer runs,horses can pull it around.

why I oughtta......


30. bears can be a good security for your vehicle...

and you can eat them after you lost the vehicle...

