Lord Steven's Weight

Do you think that Lord Steven knows he has a weight problem? Or do you think he's in complete denial and believes himself to be as studly as he was back in the 'Above The Law' days?


I think that he does know it but he takes one look at dinner( ie doughnuts fast food and so on) and thinks what the hell thay are still buying my films fat or not so i will just wear a big black coat to hide my fat gut.
. note to steve lose the weight and do your own voice over work from now on. its getting bad now a little bit of effort would you please thanks and stay of the fat stuff ok.


oke he is a little bit fat but he isn`t as fat as jack black for example!!

nobody is talking about that!!


That's cause Jack Black is funny and jokes about his weight. But regardless, yeah Steven knows about his weight. Watch his interview with Leno a few years back and he recognizes it. But hey, the dude is 55 years old. He's not 37 anymore...I'd give him a break.


Seagal is way fatter than JB. He even looks more unshapely which is quite something considering he is a foot taller than Jack Black and as such should naturally look more slender.


how fat will jack black be as he is 55!!!

they say bytheway that seagal did all his stunts fot black dawn himself so maybey he`s workingout again!!!

still the man is cool, and i love al his movies!!

haven`t seen clementine yet, anyone???

any good???


Clementine isn't considered a "Seagal movie" because he's only featured in a short cameo appearance, maybe 4 minutes tops. But looking its rating I don't think I want to see it. (It got a 3.8/10).

And Seagal doesn't do his own stunts anymore. In his prime he did about 75% of them. And hell with stunts he doesn't even do his own fights anymore. And working out won't save him. He's still got a big name but he's a joke to most people. He's not featured in movie theaters and the man is hardly ever recognized everywhere (except when he gets sued). Not to bash Seagal, I love his movies...But he can't act (which we all know), he stars in low budget films with second rate directors, and now he doesn't even do his own fights/stunts - and probably never will unfortunatley. His career is coming to an end.

He's out of shape, doesn't fight, and is limited in action. It's a shame but I'm really hoping for a "big finale," something Exit Wounds type (with a return to the big screen, a nice budget and a creative director).


I love Lord Steven but I think the most pathetic thing about his movies is the use of a stuntman in scenes that there are no stunts. Don't get me wrong: the dubbing is putrid and very annoying. But seriously, using a stuntman for a scene where the Lordage is just walking down the street or something? Thats just pathetic.


maybey he`s doing that because he`s not physicaly on stage! i`ve read somewhere that he`s wants the be as less as posible on the filminglocations


I saw Clementine and it wasn't that great. Steven's barely in it and the little bit of action that he does is nothing to get excited about.


The last Movie with Steven i saw was Belly of the Beast from 2003 - He was definitly Over the Top with his weight, i feel pity and anger for him, becorse he has responsibility as an Actor (Action icon) for his longtime Fans. Not just with his heavy weight, also the quality of his Movies is lost. When i remember the old Action Hits like Above the Law, Hard to Kill, Marked for Death, Out for Justice - That was really cool and hard Action with a great Steven Seagal. Ok he is over 50 now, but that's no excuse. I think the last Seagal Movies are worth watching are The Glimmer Man, Fire Down Below and Exit Wounds. I hope he wakes up, stop eating and start fighting!



Seagal looks like a big baloon full of grease, but I'll still watch his movies


well seagals always been a big man, in above the law and hard to kill he was really skinny but then in marked for death he was big, not fat big just big, i mean hes 6'5 and is prolly 260lbs or something i wouldnt really call seagal fat now but i would just call him out of shape, i mean i dont think he works out or watches what he eats and i dont think he ever really did, people like danny devito and john candy are fat seagal is just big. but i do think its stupid how hes never on set and doesnt care about making movies anymore



i wish all his DTV'S could be as good as belly of the beast cause that was pretty decent



'Belly Of The Beast', in my opinion, is Seagal's best work to date(with 'Out For Justice' right behind it). It proves that if you get a good director, in BOTB's case Chinese action-master Ching Siu-Tung, add even an average script, then Seagal can put forth some good material again. Seagal was fat, nappy, and probably smelly in 'BOTB', but it was good anyway.

Thats what Seagal needs to start doing: getting work with good directors. I'm not talking Speilberg or anything. But some very good Asian action directors who will come direct their first American flick for probably a fairly reasonable amount of money. Just look what Jean-Claude Van Damme has done some great work late in his career with Asian directors(Ringo Lam, Tsui Hark, even John Woo in Woo's first US film).

He needs to stop working with crap filmmakers like Albert Pyun, Anthony Hickox, and Michael Oblowitz. Ugh...I mean who are these hacks?

Its just my opinion, but I think if Seagal would mimick what Van Damme has done, Seagal could be back to being a big-time action star. And I don't care if the Buddhist Bonebreaker weighs 350 lbs. and has a nappy mullet: if he puts out material as good as 'BOTB', then I'm okay with him being bloated.


u people are so *beep* dumb, you couldnt see a cocaine addict if he was acting poorly in your face..
