Shady paramedics

Watching this movie right now. I thought it was odd that the paramedics provided no medical attention whatsoever to the guy on the road other than to strap him to a stretcher and put him in the back by himself, and they thought it was perfectly normal.


Well I'd imagine those shady paramedics were pretty peeved when their organ donor made a break for it and then went and jostled around those entrails as a result of getting hit by a car. They were in no mood to be friends with the guy, understandably.


I think the OP means that the kids didn't seem to think it was bizarre that dodgy paramedics showed up and didn't do anything except strap him to a stretcher.


yeh I was at a lost as to why they wasnt the least bit suspicious at the paramedics behaviour at the scene. Would you get into an ambulance after seeing that? I wouldn't.


Or suspicious that a hospital is empty with no lights on! Yeah, thats the norm in hospitals. LOL.


If for no other reason than to keep up appearances, one of the paramedics should have gotten in back with the escaped "patient." Not that it mattered, since all the kids were beyond stupid, even by the standards of a cheap and contrived gorefest.
