Not Good

Kinda disapointed because I heard this was the best of the "8". Why are these 8 films (24 total) always so bad? I mean, some are better than others, but none of them have ever been special. Think about Horror, the history of the genre is made on low budget, great writing fantastic script movies, why are these so mediocre to bad?


This is the third movie I saw, still 5 to go and so far this one was most definitely the worst, I can't remember when I saw bigger peace of poo then this :(

And I agree they do choose pretty bad movies for this "festival" of all 24 movies maybe 4 are good and another 4 decent, the rest is garbage.


I have 1 more of the 8 to watch...Slaughter...this one by far was the worst of em so far!


Pretty nice set-up, but rather poor execution. Steve V.



Are all you people on drugs or just lobotomized? So far only watched this and Perkins 14. Perkins started Ok but became a total turd burger within 30 mins. Autopsy on the other hand, now this has CULT written all over it. Utterly brilliant low budget horror film making. Nippy pacing, gory as hell, plenty of frights, creepy sets, gripping story, great cast including: Robert Patrick. Christ this could be my favourite "After Dark Horror Festival" film ever. But hey thats just me ;)


Neil Patrick Harris isn't even in this movie so you must be confused. And seriously anybody who thinks this will be a cult classic NEEDS to be lobotomized. This was not worth my Netflix rental or the DVD I wasted copying it. I agree each year the After Dark movies get crappier. LOTS of blood,guts,gore/Vomit does not equal HORROR. The only good part of the movie was the hot ass naked guy who's scene was very short :(.


OMG: You think this is good?
Do you know anytthing about movies?
Utterly brilliant?
Please take a local film course, even if it's at the Adult course in High School...


You people are all NUTS. This was BY FAR the best of After Dark's 2009 bunch. As if hospitals weren't creepy enough already... This movie has some SERIOUS BALLS. Definitely one of the best horror films of 2009, IMO.


the elitists need condescension in order to justify their life, once again, every movie has their admirers and detractors

I'd rather die as a free man than live as a slave to the government.



I loved it. Gore and laughter!! The scene when she is running from the Doc and tries to get on the elevator. The guy comes out of the elevator and grabs her and the Doc is standing there with a needle. Then Jude leisurely walks by, sees what is going on and has absolutely no reaction and just keeps walking. Then they cut to them running down the stairs. I lost it when I saw that. Yes it was poorly done but still good for a laugh and some gore.
