MovieChat Forums > Autopsy (2009) Discussion > So no one cared it was 1950!!!!!!!

So no one cared it was 1950!!!!!!!

So dumb!

No one cares that they walk into a hospital that looks straight out of the 50's(lamps, phones,vending machines,rooms,etc,etc")

No one cares that the doctors and nurse,etc are dressed from the 50's?

No one cares that the doctor and nurse are talking like they are from the 50's?

No one cares that there is basically NO lights on and NO ONE WHATSOEVER IS EVEN IN THE HOSPITAL!!

No one cares that the ambulance just picks up a hit and run victim, twist and turns them and THROWS them on a stretcher!

Always common that no one is ever is a hospital. Hospitals are always such an empty place. HA

Let's just stay here and walk around,etc. I'm glad they died. Dumbest f'n characters ever in a horror movie.


Thats just the kind of audience that is attracted to these movies. A dumb audience that never considers logic as an essential part of movies. How this gets over 5.0 rating is beyond me. It should be around the 3.0 mark.


You lead a sad existence if you think logic should be present and followed in every single movie.


Haha they care, they just have a low standards for health care.


LitigationRex- Ya, that may have been the only interesting mystery to the whole thing that they could have taken somewhere. I still can't make up my mind whether the writers and makers were lazy or just plain stupid while making this one. Thanks for pointing out the blatant points that were overlooked. I'd love it if you checked my blog, it's all about this stuff-
(i have a post on Kill Theory from HorrorFest4 and hopefully will have future blogs about the rest of them).


Maybe they thought Obamacare had already kicked in.




Don't think it's much about horror movies being the case. Horror movies are over the top but a Hospital with no one in it and no lights on seeming normal to them? I enjoyed the movie but it's just too funny. Seems like everyone here DID pay attention.


Maybe not the 50's but it wasn't up to date. But I guess none of you caught on that the hospital has been closed for years. They mentioned that a few times.

You're not real


Those phones,clothes,machines,decorations,etc were all 50's. I have to agree, everything is 50's, they talk from the 50's, and no one was even there in s hospital! C'mon


Okay, well here is my take.

They were all under the influence from partying in New Orleans earlier that night. Then they were driving and had the accident. They are in maybe moderate or mild shock or pain and are like yeah everyone just go your own way. Then the guy appears underneath the vehicle and that is when extreme shock and the desire to not get the cops immediately involved sank came into effect. So they arrive at the Hospital and everything seems normal on the outside and they think nothing of it. Once they are inside you have a Russian who probably isn't really sure how hospitals run in the US and his judgment is slightly impaired. The blonde chick while intoxicated or high probably is your classic horror movie blonde, average IQ of today's snobby American girl and Jude he doesn't give a *beep* he's a coward and more worried about keep his buzz. The one who was first to become suspicious was the brunette because she didn't like the answers she was getting from the nurse and doctor and once the "accident shock" wore off she started thinking.

The part that really irked me is the cop. What a dumbass. I'm sorry if a hospital is opening and has patients then the local PD would know this if someone were to be transported by a private ambulance or the local fire department EMTs. 911 would have this information.

As for the 1950s decor there is a really small hospital in my town that I went to the ER at about eight years ago that looked like it hadn't been upgraded since the 60s or 70s, almost all of the machines were older and nothing really new unlike the main hospital in my town that eventually purchased this hospital. So that while highly unlikely it is possible there are hospitals that look like the one in this movie.

Anyways it's a low budget b grade horror flick, don't over analyze these films and just sit back and enjoy the gore. It was worth the wait to see the part where she finally found her boyfriend.


It wasn't 1950 - aside from the nurse I didn't feel that at all. Also, I don't have a problem with the hospital being empty - they (the creeps) could have passed it off as a private facility but that's another plot glitch among many. That would also explain why the nurse was dressed how she was. However, the lack of logic is what is at fault. It was down to lazy or bad writing - a decent premise that fails to deliver because the writer couldn't come up with a decent logical reason for the doctor's particular experiment. Transfusions or organ transplants are one thing, turning someone's innards into a half-arsed dreamcatcher just for a lame shock moment is not up to scratch.

"Remember, you have to make it home to get paid" (The Dogs of War)
