MovieChat Forums > Autopsy (2009) Discussion > Anybody else find THIS seen hilarious!? ...

Anybody else find THIS seen hilarious!? and some thoughts *spoilers*

I totally laughed my ass off when the blonde girl (who eventually gets chopped by the blonde guy) is like running away from whoever, and the main doctor kind of collides with her in the hallway, and then just straight up punches her in the face to knock her out lol.

Like, he didn't grab her or cut her..just punch right in the face after they both paused for a moment.

That was funnier than having the drugged up guy walk casually while the two doctors are about to inject the main character, and they are just like "whatttttt?". and even when the 911 guy sees the body parts wheeled in and everyone is just like awkwardly making eye contact with each other.

oh yeah:

and when the blonde guy is beating the blonde chick up in that room...and the bald guy comes in and just takes that little platform that her head is on for a footrest and she just like falls to the ground haha.


i totally loved how the main character also like DEMOLISHED the blonde guys face in with that blunt object, she didn't just knock him down..she made sure she totally killed him lol.

and what was the deal with that random girl that the drugged up guy saw sitting in a chair, and then grabbing him after he turned around? they just like make nothing of it afterward!

i still really liked the movie, it had good gore, suspense, some humor, and the scene with the main character and her boyfriend billy was really done well....just the look in her face when she realized to herself that she had to pull the plug was perfect and like "awww" ha.


those are the exact moments in the movie i was going to write about....also when dr. benway is doing "surgery" on that one gal, and he complains about how bad that tool was. the nurse than says something like "everything's made over seas these days." just because of the delivery of that line, i laughed my arse off!


amped001 you nailed it.

I was not really laughing out loud, but thought it was classic writing to have the guy just lay her out like when Vince Vaughn hits Bradley Cooper at the wedding in "Wedding Crashers"

This movie had great shock value, and alot of fun to watch in the dark late at night all alone.

The gore etc. was so overblown, but fitting for a good horror movie.


Did anyone remember seeing when the main character was cornered by the doctor and the bald guy near the elevator. Her friend comes around and he just walks away. I mean damn, I know he wants to find a way out but help your friend at least!


LMAO!!! You definitely mentioned EVERY scene I was cracking up at, especially the one where the girl gets punched out. I busted out laughing. The scene with the ottoman and the doctor just taking it out from underneath her head cracked me up too. So casual. This movie was a trip...haha


Just finished watching this film for the first time, and boy could it be considered a horror comedy in my book. There were so many parts where I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
I laughed at all the scenes you mentioned. Especially when the drugged up dude just walked by all casual, interrupting a tense scene. What made it great was the small nod towards them, as if he was being all, "Hey, 'sup" and then walked off. Then in the next scene, when the main character runs from the doctors, he's there along side her as if he didn't just ignore her about to be attacked a few seconds earlier.
There was also that scene where the two of them hide in a room and peek through the open doorway to watch the doctor and nurse "examine" the blonde chick. And the doctor takes the small rubber hammer and says, "This won't hurt a bit" then procedes to check her reflexes to which the girl doesn't respond. So then the nurse hands him a large regular size hammer and he goes, "Now this will hurt a lot" and then bashes her knees with it. Immediately after the girl just slumps forward without any reaction and I just start cracking up. Then, as if that wasn't enough, the main girl and the guy both simultaneously jerk their heads back away from the door to not be seen.
And yeah, I have no idea why that scene with the girl in the chair was even in there. It made no sense! Just completely random. But when he ran into that chick and she made that sound, man was that funny. The lighting made her look like some SciFi creature, she had like green hair and blue skin.
All the jump scares were comedic. Like when the doctor's wife opens her eyes and the sudden boom of music tags with it. It seemed like some parody, she was all bug eyed and everything.
And the nurse screeching, "You got me all dirty!" was pretty much equivalent to screaming out, "Ah! I broke a nail!"
But jeez louise, I might just have to rent this and show it to my sister so we can both make fun of it

T~O #2
Assassin. Murder. Monster.
N~M~N #1......


My fave scene was when the police officer arrives and the girl is trying to convince him that the place is full of crazy people. Robert Patrick has juuuust about talked the officer into believing that everything's OK, and then that dude comes thru the door with that huge cart full of severed body parts and organs. There's a brief pause, and then Patrick, the cop and the guy pushing the cart all exchange this little "well, now what?" glance. That gets me every time.

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


"Robert Patrick has juuuust about talked the officer into believing that everything's OK,"

It was not Patrick in that scene, Patrick arrives at the end of it and kills the cop


Yeah the scene where the doc punched the daylights out of the girl in one shot was hilarious. I think this was the first time in a long time that I actually laughed in a horror film.

Then the scene where the nurse was trying to hit the girl with a machete was hilarious too. The way she was swinging it to kill her was just straight ridiculous.

Even though the whole movie itself was far fetched one thing that really didn't make sense was how could the med school girl still run around like a normal person after her head was drilled with a mechanical drilling machine for a few minutes? Any normal person would of passed out into a coma.

The real ghastly part came at the end where you could see Bobby's organs all hanged outside his body while he was still alive. I felt like throwing up.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


I loved the scenes the OP mentioned, and laughed my arse off at the 'You got me dirty!' line. Good fun.


I was only laughing because the people are dumbasses in this movie. First of all: at the beginning, didn't any of the friends think it was odd that the paramedics just showed up randomly when none of them called and there was no one else on the road? Also the way the "paramedics" just tossed that dying guy around and then didn't even try and help him when they threw him in the back of the paramedic truck. They didn't think that was strange? Real paramedics aren't going to treat the dying person like a piece of meat.
Another funny thing, I'd think most people if ending up at a hospital like in the movie would think it's odd that there are no other people in the there and there is barely anyone working there plus the fact the the hospital is so dark but no instead these people just walk and wander around like it's normal. I would have walked out right away. FUNNY.


Yes yes! I loved that too! This movie was laughable but that stuff was great.

"If he truly loved her he'd let her hit the pavement."-The Big Bang Theory


I laughed out loud when he popped out and punched her in the face but more so because of how it was shot and me already laughing from the over-the-topness of the previous scene. I love how he just popped out and paused for a second and whammy. Hitting girls is not cool - but that was funny.
