
Just a question, I can't remember the names of the two characters stoned for adultery. Also were these characters real or just fictional to advance the storyline?


I don't recall their names either, and I think they're fictional but added in for the dubious purpose of illustrating an actual punishment that the Bible gives for murder and adultery - but which God hadn't yet given to the people. So what's the point?

Mark Moore

Spirit of Supergirl


I don't know the name of the woman, but I believe the man's name is Hur. When the Israelites fight the Amalekites, Exodus 17:11-12 says, "As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up - one on one side, one on the other - so that his hands remained steady until sunset." Aaron and the man in question are seen on the hill with Moses, so this man must be Hur. I have not seen any other mention of Hur in the Bible.


There's no one by that name in the credits. If that was him, you'd think he'd be listed since he was in so much of the movie.


Went on a 'net search, found out their names were Jered and Leah.


I think the gurl was Moses' sister. Right?


No, Moses' sister was named Miriam.

Go here:, scroll down and click on the picture of the two of them in the water, the caption lists both character and actor names.


I'm glad someone asked about this. I came into the movie part way through and I thought they were portraying Joshua. I was like, " NO, No Joshua did not commit adultery and get stoned."

Do you know about shrinkage?
What do you mean - like laundry?


I thought it was Ezra.

Love is never having to say you're sober.
