Who was the actor

If you watched dragons den on monday 5 november here in the uk and u are wondering who the actor is. Its Kevin McNally and i'm glad they said no because the whole idea of paying him a million quid to be in the film is stupid. She gave the impression that he would bring in the box office but most movie fans would be looking at the movie poster and saying "who on middle earth is he"


So how do you know Kevin Mcnally is the actor in question?

Her whole pitch was floored and regardless of who the actor was the fact that she refused to say and the fact she did not tell them who her publisher was, was one of the many reasons she was pretty much given short shrift by the Dragons.

OF course the fact that the book had sold such few numbers was also another big reason. LOL

EDIT: I now know why you say its Kevin Mcnally. Looks like you are right. Have to agree not as big a star as she made out.

" A boy and his bird, how touching "


She was clearly barking mad an leaving in a dream world. As you've mentioned, Kevin McNally is hardly going to set the box office on fire, and as a jobbing actor, I hardly think his agent would demand two thirds of the film's budget. I can't imagine who the 'professionals' she has on board might be.


"I can't imagine who the 'professionals' she has on board might be."

Perhaps she meant Bodie and Doyle.

" A boy and his bird, how touching "


The Goblin woman should have hired that Irish guy with the crazy ears (who got cash for the sun loungers) to play some elf or orc creature... he could have got his partner Peter Jones to read the Dance of the Goblins script, as i'm sure Peter would be hooked on the Goblins and Wizards fighting in the future drama that she was pitching... although just don't ask her what film's her director of photography has made as she doesn't know... and can't really say what actors she's got on board either...

But other than that, it's all good.

Plus she looks like Grotbags!!

"What are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"


Lol I thought she was talking about Johnny Depp....


Obviously Kevin McNally. She was totally naive about how much it would take to make a movie. She probably spoke to McNally and he agreed that if she managed to get it made and he was guaranteed a million, he'd do it. It would be his biggest payday ever. But it wouldn't make the movie successful.

The woman was nuts.
