
Does anything think that this show is staged? I think that some of the stunts on the show are too outrageous for people to actually tolerate for some crappy prizes. If anyone has any news on how the show is actually made could you please inform me?


Yeah, I sometimes think that too. Like the contest where they were in the toilets and when they wanted to answer they'd have to pee, I don't know about you, but I can't pee whenever I like, and as long as I like, you know what I mean, when it starts it can't be stopped :D



I don't know about you, but I can't pee whenever I like, and as long as I like, you know what I mean, when it starts it can't be stopped :D

I kind of wondered if this were fake myself. I just find it too strange if it is real. However, your arguments can't really hold water. (LOL! Sorry, I had to go for the lame pun.) After all, if you drink enough water before hand, you will have to go quite a bit. I'm sure they are probably told they will be part of that particular game far enough in advance to get plenty of liquid into their system. Otherwise it would be kind of stupid, because probably most of them wouldn't have to go. Also, once you've started you CAN stop. It just hurts, but causing pain seems to be one of the things this show loves to do. LOL!

I wondered about one segment, though. It was with three wrestlers. Samoa Joe, Curri-Man (spelling? Side Note: My little bro is a TNA fan and tells me that was Christopher Daniles), and Kazarian. Kazarian put a half crab (the move where he bent the guy's leg back) and the contestant barely seemed to be in any pain. Of course, wrestling is all predetermined, and they try not to hurt their opponents, but considering the nature of this show, I would have assumed Kazarian was legitimately putting the hold on him, and it is a very painful hold if actually done.

That's right, boys....IT'S DOCTOR VENKMAN!!!


Jimmy mentions on the show that they had the contestants drink a bunch of water and they didn't let them go to the bathroom, so they would have to go for the game. Also, as said, you can stop, it just hurts.

As regards the half crab ... I thought it was a sharpshooter (irrelevant, but i thought it was). The leg holds only really hurt if you put pressure on the back. If Kazarian would have sat down more, I'm sure the guy would have been yelling or showing signs that it actually hurt. I've done the leg submissions in my time, though, and you can easily do them and not put pressure on your opponent.



Two words: Contractually Obligated.


yea and practical no question goes unanswerd unless its the final

My Orange Got Stuck in a door-hinge


How about burning the prize money in a toaster? At least in Finland it's highly prohibited.
