Doubles since Reagan

Am I the only one who has a problem with this. Up until the president's flashback, the film is actually pretty good. Believable, even. Then after Forrest's bit the film just goes fcking crazy. It start's with the line "they've used doubles since Reagan". I thought this was a joke at first. They just drop it in there like it's nothing, just thrown away. And then they actually have the audacity to use the plot device of having a doppelganger of the president AND THEN have the actual president say "he looks nothing like me". It's like the guy that wrote this got three quarters of the way through the script and just went and some sort of massive crack bender. Either that or the studio got saw the script and decided it needed 40% more *beep* The fact nobody seems to have mentioned this on this board saddens me.

I did actually enjoy this film though. It just shocked me that they thought they could get away with something so outrageous. And it seems they did.


Doubles are used, Saddam had doubles after all.

I've no need for a sig


Yeah and they all lived in a sweet model home together.


When they needed a double for George W, they just rented a chimp from the local zoo.



you're a delusional religious nut.job, right?



Since I'm apparently one of the idiots who didn't get the big deal of this "doubles since Regan" line, why don't you explain it, since all you did was gripe about it instead of stating your problem with it. Do you think presidents don't have doubles? Did you think the president saying that the double looked nothing like him (something anyone in his position would say) was illogical? And if they just "dropped it in there like it was nothing" why are you so upset about it but still claim to like the movie?

I'm so sick of people trashing this movie as though it must be 100% realistic because it's a political thriller. Get over it. Find just one that is totally accurate -just one. It's a pretty good action movie with an entertaining way of teling the story that keeps the audience guessing. Period.


I quite enjoyed this film but I could have done without the actual explosion being shown about 10 times. As for the doubles being used, how would we know, if it was obvious there would be no point in using them. Reminds me of that great movie "DAVE"......... one of my favourites.


Do people really believe that in the very first episode of NCIS (Yankee White) the part of President George W. Bush was the real George W. Bush and not Steve Bridges?
