What a beautiful show

This show has truly proven to be far superior to any other show on TV now. The writing, acting and production is so brilliant. Finally, a show that I can be proud to say it's Canadian.
It's neat, also, that they have used Canadian independant artists, such as The Stars, in the last episode (November 7).
It's too bad this show doesn't have the same publicity other shows do, because it's the next best thing since Six Feet Under.


I'm glad someone is enjoying it as much as I am! I love it! I love watching Gil Bellows, I think he is wonderful on this show and Katie Boland is awesome as Sarah.

I see that it says this show is a mini. Does anyone know how many shows they are planning on doing? Does this mean there won't be a second season?


it a 10 part mini series, will be sad to see it end. I have always supported our
Canadian shows, but this is truly amazing. I really hope this show gets alot more
reconition. I wonder if this show will ever show in the States


There's only 10 episodes?? That sucks!! I'm gonna miss this show when it ends.


This and the new Battlestar Galactica are the best shows on TV... both made in Canada!

Revenge is sweeter than life itself. So think fools.
