MovieChat Forums > The Doodlebops (2005) Discussion > Okay Can anyone tell me WHAT THE DOODLEB...


Are they the distant cousins of Raggedy Ann and Andy? Are they inflatable people?? or Crash Dummies??? What is that dot on their palm? Is there where they get their air in? Are they the children of the KISS Rock group?? Why is Rooney blue? Is he holding his breath or he is just feeling blue? Why is Moe Orange? Is it sun-burned? And Dee Dee is she purple? Is she the Purple People Eater? Why their fingers look like E.T.'s fingers?? Are they doodles or scribbles?? and what is the bop part?? Can anyone enlight me and tell me WHAT ARE THEY??



Well, here's a guess:

They DRAW on their childhood likes and dislikes for their material (hence the "doodle" part); and they perform some of their songs in the tradition of the old-style Bebop music (hence the "bop" part).

Anyone else like to take a try at this?

"What contest in Hell did I win?" Frank Barone

** John K


This may well win the "best question ever" category for today. XD


the doodlebops' last name is doodle and their band name is the doodlebops. they are characters on a children's show, whose premise is to entertain children with music and teach them a valuable lesson in each episode. rooney is blue because the creator of the show made him blue. deedee is pink and purple because the creator of the show made her pink and purple. and guess what? moe is orange because the creator of the show chose to make him orange.

what a concept!


LOL love it!! :) Good explanation jescapades!

to be an actress, or not to be... that is my question.


I'm pretty sure they're demons.


I was flipping through the channels and landed on this show the other day and wondered what the heck this was, I would be scared shi*less if I was a young kid watching this, my 22 year old son came in and asked "What the Heck is this?" I said I don't know, lets turn it quick.
My theory is , for some reason Adults think kids like looking at ugly characters and weird looking puppets and clowns, I, like my kids and countless others of my generation were treated to weird looking characters that scared us and were prime nightmare material (i.e Lady elaine fairchild on "MisterRogers Neighborhood", 'Kukla and Ollie', 'Witcheepoo'(and pretty much all the characters on HR Puffnstuff), Charley Mcarthy and all other Ventriloquists Dummies and countless scary clowns (Ronald McDonald and his 'Crew'are a creepy bunch too.) I just don't know why People can't come up with less weird looking Characters. I sure don't know what the heck Doodlebops are supposed to be, Maybe the creators thought of it when watching one of the above mentioned shows and they crept into their nightmares (Drug induced no doubt) and out popped a 'Doodlebop'.


If you find the Doodlebops creepy, the Boobahs would absolutely scare you out of your skin.

The Doodlebops, Teletubbies and clowns of the world have nothing on those drug-induced Boobahs...



The Doodlebops are musical aliens from the planet Pedophile who have skin made out of candy and LSD.

DonKPunch is a moron.



They're the Doodlebops, dammit!
