Oh, dear

To everyone that's insulting the show for not teaching there child what they need to know. You're wrong. True the show is not telling your child to go out and get a job, or what 2+2 is, or how to spell the word cat. It does teach them common sense. Like the episode I saw was saying to ask for help when you need it, or it's alright to for people to help when something is overwhelming.

True it's not appealing to adults. Why would it be? It's Playhouse Disney. There shows are directed to a younger audience. Not you whiny teenagers, or mothers on the edge. It's alright to hate the show, for most people the show is probably stupid, bright, and obnoxious. That makes sense, for those with 1-5 year olds the show is probably fabulous! Fun songs, bright colors, and crazy characters. This makes sense too.

But parents, there something you are forgetting. Television is to be entertaining, teaching you children skills is not the TVs job. Yes, there are shows to help them on there way. So, unhappy with your child watching the Doodlebops? Let them read or play.

Look on the bright side, it's not Barney.


Some tv shows for children are quite intelligent and fun. This one isn't.


Very well said! I think compared to things like Barney or Teletubbies or some of the other toddler/preschool shows this one is the most bareable. My 19 month old loves it!


I love that this show teaches the things it does like sharing, telling the truth, asking for help, what to do when your scared, or frazzled, or upset, and that it's ok to be who you are. I agree when it comes time to learn to read, write, and so on, that is a parent's job and no one elses. A television show can't teach them those things. TV should be for entertainment purposes only and as entertainment goes this one is fantastic!


The show is bright, it's loud, it's fast paced and I absolutely love it for that. I much prefer to walk into a room and find my 1 year old watching Doodlebops instead of some garbage like Spongebob (which has practically no value).


I like the show for the most part. I like the Doodlebop Pledge- it promises to care and promises to share- all together as a team.
I also happen to like Barney. Some parts of it better than others and some seasons better than others. My favorite part is the music for both shows. Teletubbies aren't exactly great, but it entertains my kids and allows me the time to get their lunch together or maybe even use the bathroom for a few minutes without interruption.
