


I know you knew that.

That doesn't keep me from posting "SEQUEL CONFIRMED!!! HELL YEAH!!!"



It was known for a while, because somewhere, in some gaming community, I saw this news bulliten about how the country posed as the enemy in the video game was angry they were being targeted. Thanks for showing the site though!



Does anyone know if Lucas Arts will be involved with the sequal. Because I really hope they are. I think Mercenaries was only good, because Lucas Arts "published" it. If Mercs 2 isn't published by Lucas Arts, it's just going be another GTA.


if pandemic is relatd to lucas arts, then yes, but in the Game Informer, it says the publisher is TBD. i was excited to hear about it. then i find out it's only for ps3 and xbox 360. so, can someone please tell me why they cant make this game for ps2 also?


I know. Would it really kill them to make it for a console that is only a few months out of date. MMMMMMmmmmmmmm.... maybe Microsoft and Sony only want future games to be made for the next gen consoles. Ya know, so they can mke more money.


PS2 and pc as well.




Qutote: Yeah, shame on them for doing such an evil thing. Who cares if the staff needs money to feed themselves and their families or to pay their bills. Those companies don't need money to keep their computers and servers working properly. Because who has the time to pay the computer technicians. Forget about filling up vending machines. Those people can starve. Plants around the office? Forget about it. Software? Please. Sequels to the games you love? Don't make me laugh. Yeah, so who needs more money............

I'm sorry, I ddin't mean it that way. I really didn't. And yes I know Sony and Mcirosoft do not own Pandemic, but they are the companies who designed the game systems.

I aplogize for any hurtful things I've said, I really do. I was just making a remark.

You know, I really like Microsoft and Sony. And its not their fault the game can't be as good on the ps2 and xbox.

Sorry again...
