Xbox 360 compatible

hey, I`m at work and our internet is locked to only use certain sites so I cant check it while i`m here, but I was just curious wether the xbox version of this game works on the 360? Thanks!


I know it wasn't compatible when I checked the list of compatible games once I got my 360. Microsoft updates the list frequently, so keep checking it.

Close only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and thermo-nuclear weapons.


They just updated their list and Mercenaries is on it. I've been playing it but it locks up quite a bit.


i did the same for me when i played Conker: live and reloaded but conker didnt lock up, gears of war did for a while then i stopped playing conker and things went back to normal.

Formerly captainmiller23.


Yeah I've noticed that too. I thought it was just my copy but I guess other people are having problems too.
