Favorite Weapon Combo

I was just wondering what everyone's favorite weapon combinations are. Mine has to be the Light Machine Gun and good old fashion RPG. I just wish that there was a missle launcher that could lock on to ground and air targets, but you need to change those over. That part kind of sucks.

"Noone wants to be Peter Criss, Lois! Not even Peter Criss"-Peter Griffin



Obviously my favorite is the RPG and the Prototype Rifle


Personally, I like the M4 and the Dragonuv SVD. They work really well together. If not those, something else and the Drag. I always need it.

On the game, is it just my stuff or does the shotgun not make any sound? It's really screwed up because I love shotguns.


Whilst it really depends on the mission or what I intend to do I go for Light Machine Gun in almost every case and one of the following:
Killing Troops- Carbine, SMG, Assault Rifle
Killing Troops quietly- Sniper Rifle, Covert SMG*
Killing vehicles- RPG
Killing Bigger Vehicles- Anti-tank/air missile launcher

The best bit is there is usually at least one Korean with an RPG in every group, so once he's dead you can take it, use and get back you're previous weapon

* Is it me or does this still make enough noise for other troops to hear you? It's not as covert as I'd like.



Heck, I just use the Assault Rifle and RPG, best combo to use if you want to find easy ammo and waste your money on other things....explosive things.



I mean ammo as in extra guns, not the ammo cases. It's easier to find assault rifles around than light MGs around.



Street sweeper and Portable air strike. or if we arent including the experimental weapons carte, i like the carbine and sniper rifle.


My favorites are:
Sniper Rifle and Covert SMG,
Carbine and RPG,
Light Machine Gun and Anti-Armor Rifle,
Light Machine Gun and RPG,
And last, but far from least,
Street Sweeper and Portable Air-Strike.


You get the cheat weapons crate ounce you verify every card, you can beat the game without doing that.

"You can't handle the truth!"


protype weapon
portable airsrtike

Making peaceful revolution impossible only makes violent revolution inevible


I personally favour the same weapons as the OP. However, I do wish that the RPG was a little more accurate. The number of times I've missed my mark cos of the RPG's bad aim...

"GIR, your waffles have sickened me. Fetch me the bucket!"


I love going with the Prototype Rifle and AT launcher. The launcher's totally lethal for ground targets and good for shooting enemy helicopters above their rotor blades so they dodge down low enough for you to hijack em :D

Why won't anyone buy my solar-powered nightvision goggles?


In response to LasrMan, i have the same problem. By shotgun doesnt make any sound either...


Definitely the prototype rifle and the anti-armor sniper


anti-armor rifle and the portable air strike(awwww yeah)

bite my shiny metal ass


my fav. weapon combo is either

A)prototype rifle and the light mg
B)carbine and sniper
C)shotgun and anti armor rifle

ps:to play as a maffia person go to the faction screen and hit quickly left left right right up down up down (there may be a code you have to put in first but im not sure)


nuthin wrong wif the light MG nd the RPG but sumtimes i swap the RPG 4 the armor piercing sniper

