Morag and Dominic

So were they like going out with each other or was Morag makin it up?


Morag was making it up! She was obsessed with Dominic, like he said in his meeting students can sometimes get an obsession with thei teachers!

Hope I helped!





Do you know what, I was left wondering about this too.

At first I was certain that Morag was making the whole thing up, and that still seems very likely, but there is one thing that still doesn't quite make sense to me. Morag wrote that Dominic had been circumsized, and he gave a good explanation for this, saying Bethan must have told her. However, I don't think we actually saw her tell Morag, and it does seem like a strange subject for a man's daughter to be discussing with her friend.

I really want Dominic to be innocent, but now I'm not so sure. Unless we did see Bethan admit to telling Morag, and I missed it!


Well, Bethan could have told her, but also, it's something a sexually experienced person would know is likely in a man of Dominic's age. Morag could have been making it up, based on what she'd heard about older men, and there was a 50 percent chance she'd be right - which is pretty high...


"it's something a sexually experienced person would know is likely in a man of Dominic's age"

Actually the reverse.
In the UK it is not usual for someone who is from a British background to be circumcised unless they are Jewish or it is necessary medically.

The natural assumption would be that Dominic wouldn't be circumcised, which is why it seemed incriminating when Morag knew that he was.


She was making it up.


I just watched this film last night on tv for the first time, and I'd assumed it was all wrapped up nicely until I saw this post! It does seem like an odd thing for the girls to be talking about, but like someone else says, if she made it up, she had a 50% chance of getting it right anyway.
