Al Pacino

As you people can see Robert Duvall, Abe Vigoda, James Caan and even recordings of Marlon Brando got used to make the voice of the characters...and they looked like them in the movie.

Why Michael in the game has nothing to do with Al Pacino and EA didn't called him to do the voice?


It's because Al Pacino's voice has aged since his role as Micheal from the first movie. So it was decided to choose someone else for the part.


Not really, he was asked to do the voice, however he chose to voice the game Scarface: The World is Yours.


he didn't do the voice for either. He chose a guy to give tony a voice. what i wawnt to know is why he didn't do the same for the godfather and why michael doesn't look like him.

"Day Man! Aaaahahaaa! Fighter of the Night Man! Aaaahahaaa!Champion of the sun! Aaaahahaaa!"


I noticed that too. Maybe Pacino didn't want his likeness to be used in the game?
That seems a little weird considering his likeness was used in the Scarface video game... but thats the only real explanation I can think of.

I recently saw a poster for the second Godfather game at Blockbuster and it only had a silhouette on it, but it resembled Pacino... so maybe he'll be in on this one...

"Daft Punk is in the house."
