how did the film end ?

I am very sorry but I did not see the end of the film (stopped the recording too early !) The last scene I saw is when the samurai put the knife into the earth of his friend's wife's tomb. what happens after? (my video shop did not have it )
Many Thanks


Obvious spoilers ahead!

He gives up his samurai status and leaves his hometown. Then he goes to Kie and proposes to her. She agrees and ... end credits roll!


That ending is worth the whole movie (more spoilers)

She’s heartbroken that he’s going to Ezo; she’ll never see him again.

But then he astonishes her by asking her to come with him--as his wife. If they love each other, that’s all they need; and he has loved her ever since he first saw her, as a servant in his parents’ household.

It’s all so sudden, she stammers; she has to think about it.

So he gives her a minute, and asks her again.

And she asks him the same question as earlier, when he sent her back to her family to avoid the scandal of a single farm girl living with a single samurai: is that when he wishes?

And he nods, understanding; she is evoking their old relationship of warrior lord and peasant minion, for the last time. Yes, he nod curtly, it is his command.

Then she has no choice but to obey him, she murmurs quietly.

And reaching out, he takes her hand. And the end theme music begins.

It’s all so understated, like the writing of a kanji.
