Link timelines

I am new to the zelda games, having just started the twilight princess I was wondering where this fits in with the other released stories,

Is Link like a known adventurer or is this game a reboot to the old stories where you see link in the beginning of his quests,

also if anyone knows of any other zelda games which are good or like this one then pls let me know

Nuff said_


It is not the same "Link" in the different games, each one is different "Link" who embodies of the spirit of the "hero" Link. The general idea is that every now and then a "Link" is born who is destined to become a great hero, a kind of reincarnation thing. One would also assume that all these "Links" are from the same bloodline, but there isn't anything to prove that assumption.


Some Links appear for more than one game


-Hero of Time Link: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask

-Hero of Hyrule (supposedly) or you could call him original Link (as I do): The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

-Hero of Winds Link: The Windwaker and Phantom Hourglass

As for the other Links, I'm not sure. Link in A Link to the Past and Link in Link's Awakening may be the same Link. I'd imagine that Link in Oracle of Ages and Link in Oracle of Seasons are the same.

Sometimes I actually think that Link from A Link to the Past, Link from Oracle of Ages, Link from Oracle of Seasons and Link from Link's Awakening may all be one Link. As I said, I don't know for sure. I am only guessing, not trying to be a know-it-all.
